Coconut oil is a natural chelating agent, reducing iron and copper production which happens when you use bleach/peroxide on your hair.

Coconut oil can help with hair bleaching
Coconut oil leaves bleached hair feeling super soft and much more healthy looking. Using coconut oil on bleached hair can help hair that feels crunch or hay like feel significantly softer with consistent use and even make the hair more manageable.
How to use coconut oil for bleached hair
1. Coat all of your hair with melted coconut oil root to tip, at night before bed.
2. Cover it with a towel or shower cap and go to sleep.
3. Bleach hair as usual the next day with oil still in the hair.
Why it works
The idea is the night of oil-soaking replicates the buildup of natural oils in your hair and protects both your scalp and the hair itself from damage causing bleach. Some people have found that using oil helps their bleach to process faster than it would without it. Adding coconut oil to the bleaching process can create a barrier to help prevent the burning and itching feeling that usually occurs with the process.
Do you bleach your hair?
pictured: @chloejaylois