Thinking of changing up your hair color subtly? Yearning for something newer and drastic? Find out how common hues are considered, first.
There’s no judging a book by it’s cover, but unfortunately there are those who make some big pre judgments on others simply by the way they dress and their hair color.
The Scandinavian Journal of Psychology found that men believe brunettes to be more approachable and blondes to be more needy. They also found that men considered redheads haughty and daring. Of course these ideas are unfair and without reason, but they remain prevalent.
[quote cite=”Men considered redheads haughty and daring. Of course these ideas are unfair and without reason, but they remain prevalent.” align=”aligncenter”][/quote]
Blondes can be golden, platinum or add ombre… Whichever you choose blondes can live up to being fun, flirty and are often paired with outgoing personalities.
Fact: Only 10% of the world is naturally blonde. This color needs care and attention, and when we find things to be rare–like true blondes–they usually need more TLC. If you want to go more blonde, or try out being blonde (for a few weeks”>, ask your stylist which color blonde suits you best. At home colors are best for those with naturally blonde tones already set in.
Brunettes are often viewed as great judges of character, strong and smart. While natural born brunettes are more common, tuning in their best hair tones and highlights can be a challenge. It’s easy to go too dark when playing with brunette’s color – ask your colorist or stylist which tones suit you and your hair color and type best. Try for something that is richer and more tonal.
Going richer and deeper may make you appear more mysterious and creative, but those are a few traits that we can probably live with.
Natural redheads are tough to come by –only 2-6% of the US population can actually lay claim to being a true red head according to Divine Caroline. While red is rare, it’s also seen as adventurous, outgoing and risky.
If you’re looking to play up the natural red in your hair, do so with care. Reds can easily fade so it’s best to use a color that’s very close to your own true color. Cutting back on frequent shampoos is also a good idea when going red, or adding to your color. Red can also go to copper or orange, easily. If you’re looking for something lighter, then copper is your color, just be sure it works with your current hair color and tone.