Search Results: Nina Sultan

How to Get Defined 3A Curls With Gel, a Diffuser, and a T-Shirt

nina sultant diffuser curls

If you are wondering how to keep your curls under control and looking great, here is a step-by-step tutorial on how I apply a styler. All you need is a little styling gel, an old t-shirt, and you are ready to go.

Things you will need

start with wet hair

Step 1: After you get out of the shower, do not dry it yet! Leave your hair sopping wet!

scrunch curls

Step 2: Before applying your styling gel, flip your hair over. This will help with distributing your gel evenly throughout your hair.

Step 3: Use 2 pumps of your styling gel and scrunch from the ends to the roots of your hair. I’m using Redken’s Curvaceous Ringlet Styling Gel

Make sure to evenly distribute throughout! 

use t-shirt to scrunch curls

Step 4: Flip your hair over again and scoop and scrunch your wet hair with an old T-shirt until it is no longer dripping wet.

nina sultan plops hair

Tip: T-shirts help prevent frizz!


Step 5: After your hair is T-shirt dried, you can either diffuse or let your curls air-dry!

Tip: For best results, make sure your hair is about 50% dry before diffusing!

finished diffused curls

And voila! That is how I apply a styling gel and use a diffuser for definition. If you follow these steps, you will have gorgeous and defined curls with hold that last all day.


How to Get Perfect, Bouncy Ringlets with Fine Hair
freckled fox perfect ringlets

Are you looking for a new style for your fine naturally curly hair? Have you ever wanted your curls to look perfectly defined and bouncy, but you can never seem to get them to stay like that throughout the day? Now you can. Emily Meyer, also known as The Freckled Fox, is a fabulous and funky blogger who has her own method for getting her hair to have the perfect bouncy curlies down. And she shows us how she gets gorgeous bouncy, Shirley Temple-like ringlets on her fine curly hair.

You will need

  • A package of foam rollers

  • A hairbrush

  • Hair pins or clips (optional”>

  • Hair dryer (optional”>

  • A spray bottle (optional”>

freckled fox ringlet how to

Step 1

Take a shower! Because you are going to style your hair while it’s wet, but not sopping wet. Figure out where you are going to part your hair and separate your hair into 4-6 even sections.

 shirley temple curls

Step 2

Distribute your curlers into groupings so every section of your lox gets the same amount. Start with one section and begin wrapping the hair around the curler beginning around the middle of your section. Start with the bottom sections first and then begin moving to the top.


Step 3

Emily recommends sleeping on them but if you’d rather not, you can blow dry them off and on throughout the day. Just make sure that they are completely dry before you remove the rollers, otherwise your curls will not last. To take them out, unravel the ends slightly then holding in one hand and tugging straight down with the other hand and BOOM. That is all there is to it! Easy, right?

freckled fox ringlets done

Ways you can style it

Emily’s favorite looks are either wearing them in a high pony tail, a bun, pigtails, adding in a sparkly hair accessory or bow, or pull a bit back from the front for a half-up half-down look. So there you have it! A recipe for perfect, bouncy ringlets.

See more of Emily’s sexy wavy-curly hairstyle tutorials at

I Was Tired Of Looking Like Everyone Else

As a little girl with curls, I liked the way I looked. I felt unique from the others and was comfortable with my appearance. I never really felt the pressures to change anything about it till I started middle school. Then something snapped. I began to hate my hair. I did not know how to manage my curls either, so they always looked poofy and awkward.

Then something snapped. I began to hate my hair. 

I dealt with a lot of hatred towards my curls in school which made me feel ugly. I straightened them, and people would say to me, “You look so much better with straight hair.” This confirmed my thoughts that people thought my hair looked bad. For years I did everything in my power to hide my naturally curly hair. I felt like Mia from the Princess Diaries before she received her “makeover”.

Once I got to high school, I got a new hair stylist. I told her my woes of wanting straight hair. She told me I had beautiful hair and that I should embrace my natural curls, but I chose not to listen and asked her give me a straightened haircut. For the first time in a long time, I actually felt pretty. This was what I had been looking for. I asked my mother if I could own a flat iron; she was not keen on the idea. She loved my hair and always encouraged to love my curly hair. She told me how beautiful it was and how many women would die to have hair like mine. However, I couldn’t see the beauty that she was seeing. I continued to hate my hair for years. That insecurity would continue for quite sometime. 

Most of the girls at school straightened their hair. They all looked so pretty that way and I wanted to look just like them. Since straight hair was so popular, I felt like I did not fit in with unless I had straight hair as well. That’s when I decided that I too would succumb to hide my curls away– once I finally did get my own straightener, I used it religiously for two and a half years everyday.

It was not until my junior year of high school that I began to notice how having straight my hair was not meant for me. It seemed that nobody had curly hair. I didn’t want to be like everyone else–I was sick of hating how I looked. I just wanted to be me and carefree. So I slowly began to stop straightening my hair. As my curls returned, I began to see what beauty I was missing out on. I got so sick of spending hours everyday in front of the mirror trying to make my hair do something it wasn’t born to do, plus after spending hours on it, it would never last long. I felt like a completely different person with straight hair. It wasn’t me. So I finally just let it go. It was hard at first, but I began to love my hair more and more with each passing day.

In celebration of going natural, I made the big decision to cut it all off and start over! So I got a pixie cut (big chop”> and cut away all the years of frying my hair to bits. 

I can’t believe that I had ever hated my hair. 

After years of doing this, I slowly began to realize how silly I was being. Having curly hair will always be a part of who I am. Why was I trying so hard to hide that? If I cannot love my hair then how can anybody else? After years of embarrassment about the way I looked, I began to look at my curls as something to embrace. So I stopped straightening, and started loving. I never thought my hair would become such a huge part in defining who I am. I have have returned to naturally curly for four years now and I could never be happier.

What was your journey to curly like?

4 Hair Products You Could Be Allergic To

natural hair woman with acne

Many of us curlies are self-proclaimed product junkies.

We’ll admit–we enjoy using at least one kind of product on a daily basis. That may not always be a good thing. Did you know that some hair products can cause redness, itching, or even swelling? If you are having any of these symptoms you may be allergic to your hair products! Board-certified Miami based dermatologist Dr. Leslie Baumann enlightens us on some of the most common products that can cause allergic reactions and what alternatives we can use to avoid having these symptoms in the future!

1. Hair color

For the curlies who enjoy highlighting their curls or dye simply to cover up gray hairs use extra precaution! Hair coloring products are the number one most common products that have been reported to cause redness and swelling. Blame the ingredient called paraphenylenediamine (PPD”> for this reaction. The second ingredient that can cause irritation is called toluene which is also an active ingredient found in nail polish.

Alternative coloring methods

If you are allergic to these ingredients, Baumann recommends either using a veggie dye such as henna to darken or hide grayness in your curls or If you would like to highlight, consider getting a stylish ombre since the highlighting is placed at the ends of your curls rather than at your scalp.

2. Hairspray

We all love hairsprays especially ones that smell good! However, fragrance is often the most cause for why we can get allergic reactions such as irritation, redness, and swelling.  The two other ingredients that have been reported to cause reactions are propylene glycol which give your curls moisture and finally acrylates, which form a film around your curls.

Alternative sprays

While Baumann does not offer any particular kind of alternative spray, she does recommend taking note if a reaction occurs and consider what products you have used in the previous 24 hours. If you still are unsure, consult a dermatologist for patch testing.  However I would recommend making a DIY chemical free spray in the meantime!

3. Hair conditioner

As curlies we love our conditioners. We cannot live without them, and can never use enough in our hair– unfortunately, they can also have a negative effect on our skin. The problem with some conditioners is that some of them contain an ingredient called isopropyl myristate. This ingredient can give us acne, especially when it touches our face, back, and chest in the shower.

Alternative conditioners

If you are noticing that you have consistent acne, check the label on your product to make you are washing with a salicylic acid cleaner after washing and conditioning your curls.

4. Hair extension glue

Take into account that anything that is made to stay in your hair and withstand washing and tugging, might cause some irritation on your skin regardless. The main ingredient to watch out for when buying hair glue is ethyl cyanoacrylate. If you begin to notice any adverse side effects, Baumann recommends trying a different hair extension technique.

Alternative extension glues

Considering other options, Baumann recommends trying either thermal bonding or sewn-in extensions.

What "Wash-And-Go" Means When You Have Type 2 & 3 Hair

nina sultan short wash and go

If you have curly hair then you may have seen the term “wash and go” used around the curly hair community. If you’re not clear on what this means, a wash and go is when you wear your hair in its natural curl pattern, without manipulating the style with tools, braids or stretching. Some women wear their hair in a “wash and go” every day, while some never do. So if you have Type 2 or 3 wavy and curly hair then you can totally rock a wash and go, but if you are anything like me then you’ve probably discovered that some days your curls work with you, and some days they work against you. Here are the tools, products and steps you can use for a mostly consistent wash and go.

You are going to need


  1. Wash/Cleanse. The one I’m using is a great, natural shampoo. It also doesn’t lather much, which I like. 
  2. Rinse.
  3. Apply a moisturizing daily conditioner. The Coconut & Hibiscus helps condition my hair and keep it from getting brittle. I use quite a bit through my entire hair from my scalp to the ends. 
  4. Cup and Scrunch. I flip my hair over, wrap a t-shirt around my curls. T-shirts are great frizz fighters, too.
  5. Moisturize & Style. I use my Smoothing Lotion through the ends of my hair. Once that is complete, I use my styling gel to lock in the style.
  6. Diffuse or air dry. I like the luscious feeling and volume that I get from diffusing. I use low air flow, and high heat settings.

Watch my tutorial

Thumbs up if you like! Comment if you have any questions. See you next time!

DIY "Better Than Hairspray" Sugar Spritz

sugar water blend in pot

Just add some water and a little bit of sugar… and bam! You just created your very own DIY holding spray.

Tired of using hairsprays that are full of drying chemicals? You can make your own natural spray for hold and definition without any of those chemicals that are harsh on your curls and waves. Ashley Renee gives us a great and easy to make recipe that uses simple natural ingredients! All you need is some water, sugar, and a soothing essential oil of your choice! This DIY spray is perfect for making your curls smell sensational as well as keep them in check for your special night.

You will need

  • An empty misting spray bottle
  • Water
  • Sugar
  • An essential oil of your choice


1. Boil about a ½ cup of water. As it boils, you can add up to 2 to 3 teaspoons of sugar. Keep in mind that the amount of sugar you use determines how sticky and how strong your spray is going to be.

2. Stir your sugar into the boiling water until it dissolves.

3. Pour your sugar water into your spray bottle and place it in your refrigerator for about 20 minutes to cool.

4. Add about 5 to 8 drops of an essential oil of your choice after your sugar water is cooled off.

How to apply

Ashley recommends spraying in layers. The more you layer it, the stronger the hold will be.

Storing after use: Store your homemade spray in your fridge, but keep in mind it only lasts about a week. If you would like its life to be longer however, Ashley suggests adding about a tablespoon amount of either Isopropyl alcohol or Vodka.  By adding either one, it can extend the life of your spray for about another week.

5 Most Popular Men’s Haircuts of 2014

As 2014 comes to an end, we’re noticing more and more men experimenting with different lengths, textures, cuts, and color when it comes to their personal hairstyles.

Is your man rocking one of these popular hairstyles?

Most Popular Mens Cuts of 2014

A Real Life Minimalist Morning Routine for 3A Curls


We love watching YouTube videos of over the top makeup looks and elaborate hairstyles, just for fun. And you’ll definitely find us liking Instagram photos of expertly styled lattes and beautiful home vignettes. But our real life morning routines look a lot more… minimal. If you have Type 3A curls and consider yourself a beauty minimalist, or if you have a tendency to sleep in, then this tutorial is for you.


This is my minimalist morning routine.

1. Stretch and put my contacts in.

2. Wash my face. I like to keep my hair out of my face with a headband.

3. Decide what outfit I’m wearing for the day.

4. Run my hands through water, scrunch, and add leave-in conditioner thoroughly. I like Curl Junkie Smoothing Lotion.

5. Scrunch, style. And scrunch more!

6. Apply 2 different mascara- one to neaten, one for volumizing.

7. Use a bb cream/concealer to cover my noticeable red spots on my face.

8. Add a lipstick–I’m going with plum for this season–then put in big earrings to finish off my look.

And… that’s it!

Watch the Video

Watch my video and thumbs up if you also prefer the minimalist route!


What do you do in the morning to your curls?

My 2-Minute Curl Junkie Smoothing Lotion Product Review

curl junkie curl assurance reviewWhat I Used

Curl Junkie Smoothing Lotion / Leave-In Conditioner, $18.00 in CurlMart

First impressions

I have never used a leave-in before, so this is quite an exciting experience for me. What I do know is that they are good for smoothing out and detangling dry hair. This one in particular is great for most hair textures, from loose waves to tight coils.

If I had to rate this, I would give it a 4.5 out of 5 stars. It made me smell like a cookie. I don’t know where this product was before, and why I never knew about it. Keep watching for my full review in the video below.


Watch the Video

Have you tried Curl Junkie Smoothing Lotion? What did you think?