After many frustrations with salon appointments gone wrong, I came up with this video as a way to provide comical relief to other naturals out there who may feel my sentiments. This is based on a true story. Maybe you have come across one of these types of stylists, too.
Related: 4 Things You Should Never Say (Or Do”> to Your Stylist
1. Miss Scissor-Happy
I do not understand why it is so difficult for a hairstylist to understand the difference between a trim and a cut. No matter how many times I say “I only want a trim,” I always end up with a drastic cut. Hairstylists just always seem to cut way more off than I desire.
2. The Double-Booker
The worst thing that could possibly happen on my hair appointment day, a day I intentionally took the day off of work for because I never know when my hair will actually be done, is for a stylist to double book my appointment.
3. The Gossiper
Going to the salon is a time for peace and quiet, to just relax and be pampered. Instead of a calming experience, I find myself even more tense when my hairstylist gossips about her life or another client’s life. Then, after the gossip session is complete, I am being asked a slew of questions, interrogation style. You think I’m going to open up about my business now? Nope.
4. The Inconsiderate Hairstylist
Similar to the double-booker, this stylist takes both scheduled appointments and first come first serve clientele. Talk about an easy way to crash and burn a business. The lack of compassion towards my time, my life and my commitments–that’s no bueno.
5. The Horrible Multitasker
What’s worse–sitting down in the salon chair for hours or waiting for your hairstylist to return from lunch, shopping or running errands? The Multitasker thinks completing personal and business errands while my hair appointment is in progress is OK. And it is not.
6. The Liar
Lying in any profession is an absolute no-no! It is just horrific when a hairstylist lies. Especially when they tell me “no I am not busy, come in anytime.” And when I arrive in a hurry only to find the salon is actually full of waiting clients.
7. Miss Detail-Deficient
I get it, running any business requires hard work, dedication, and focus. There are many moving parts. But if they do not have an eye for detail, they really should not be doing hair.
8. Mr. “I Blame You”
Have you ever been in a situation where you specifically let a hairstylist know about allergies, pain or discomfort during your hair appointment and when your hair turns out to be a mess you get blamed for the outcome?
9. The Under Deliverer
This is the type of hairstylist who does not even try to achieve my desired hairstyle. Most of the time I leave the salon silently angry and regretting my decision to come in.
10. The Hairdryer Nazi
Yes I get it, curly hair takes a longer time to dry compared to straight hair. That still does not give hairstylists the right to have me roast under the dryer. There should be a law as to how hot the heat should be under the dryer, am I right?
These unfortunate experiences make finding a stylist we love that much more rewarding!
If you’re still searching for a curly hair stylist in your area, read the reviews in our Salon section, they can make all the difference.