What is Castor Oil?
According to Sunny Isle (producers of Jamaican Black Castor Oil”>, this oil will strengthen and increase the length of hair faster than other oils due to its ash content. This occurs from a manual grinder crushing the beans, then roasting to a 100% pure, dark brown and organic oil. Both regular and black castor oils contain ricinoleic acid, an anti-inflammatory that helps maintain a healthy scalp for better growth. Castor oil contains vitamin E as well, which moisturizes and boasts anti aging properties to dry or sagging skin.
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Split End Mender
Castor oil combats split ends, hair breakage, and dryness. The vitamin E and omega-6 fatty acids are great for repairing the health of your hair. They will put a stop to the split ends and breakage.
How to use it:
Mix castor with a lighter carrier oil (olive oil or jojoba oil are great options”> and comb it through your hair before washing your hair.
Castor oil smoothes wrinkles and tone your skin. Use pure, unrefined and virgin castor oil–this explains how the oil was extracted. It is the highest quality oil. Castor oil will moisturize dry skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and other marks by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. Dip a cotton ball in the oil and apply it directly to your skin. Wash it off after an hour.
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Acne Fighter
Castor oil is antibacterial and antifungal. It also contains Ricinoleic acid which inhibits the growth of bacteria, therefore treating acne without drying out the skin on your face. If you are struggling with acne, wash your face with warm water before bed. This opens your pores. Massage a cotton swab of castor oil into your skin and leave it on overnight. The next morning, cleanse your face in the morning using cold water. Don’t forget to change your pillowcase after using the oil.
Hair Growth
While castor oil cannot make the strands of your hair thicker, it can improve scalp health which can lead to greater hair density. Use it on your eyebrows or eyelashes to stimulate healthy growth.
How to use it:
Rub the oil over your brows or lashes each night (for the best results”> before bed.