Ever turned over the back of your curly hair care products and thought to yourself,
“What the heck is that?”
We’ve all joined the game of trying to pronounce the ingredients on our curly hair products but often lose because we feel as if we need a chemist to help us out.
Many of the curly hair care products on the shelves labeled as, “organic,” “good for you,” and “all-natural” are full of chemicals and toxins. These products may even have cute labels, but they are known for stripping the moisture from your hair. It’s why learning to read product labels are extremely important.
This is one of the many reasons I decided to go natural, and now include DIY curly hair products into my routine. Here are some of the benefits of making your own curly hair products:
You know exactly what’s in your product.
Mostly, because you made it. It won’t be full of fillers and chemicals that cause a dry scalp or skin infections. You can trust it because it’s yours. This is one of the main reasons I advocate for DIY products.
You may be saving your health.
It is said that the average morning routine contains more than 200 ingredients. This means, by the time you’ve showered, put on lotions, deodorant, makeup, hair products, and that lovely perfume you love, you’ve been exposed to hundreds of chemicals before you’ve even stepped out the door. Many of the products labeled as, “good for your hair” have ingredients that may cause cancer, according to the National Cancer Institute.
Custom make your creation for your needs.
With some time and research, you can whip up a cleanser and conditioner that fits your hair’s immediate needs. Need to boost your moisture levels? Throw in an avocado. Need to cleanse your scalp without over drying? Try using Castile soap and essential oils. Read more about finding ingredients for your DIY
You will save some cash.
If you really think about it, you probably spend a lot of money on hair products. Multiply that by a year, and it has to be more than $200. One of the things I teach in my online DIY Shampoo + Conditioner course is how to save money by not buying hair products, but making them. It would cost just a few dollars to make a wholesome, healthy cleanser (with ingredients you may already have”> versus spending $10 and up every store visit.
Also, chances are, you can use some of the same ingredients in your hair products for others, like creating a face mask.
Your hair and scalp will love you
Once you find the best combination of ingredients that work toward your advantage, the possibilities are endless. You may find that your scalp is less irritated, your hair is much shinier and stronger.
It takes like 2 seconds (no, really”>.
Once you really get your feet wet with this whole curly hair DIY thing, you can throw your ingredients into a blender and have a hair mask ready to go in less than 5 minutes. Think of it this way – it’s 5 minutes, but it’s going to help you expose your body to fewer chemicals.
While creating your own curly hair products at home can work in your favor, if you’re new to the game, there are a couple things you should know:
1. There are no preservatives in your DIY creation. You won’t have the luxury of whipping up your products and letting them sit for days or weeks before using them – you’ll need to do so immediately. Without preservatives, mold and bacteria can grow, and you don’t want that.
2. The color and consistency may be a little different than you’re used to. Because you won’t be using any artificial colors like dyes or fillers, things may be a little different. While different, this doesn’t mean they won’t work just as well as traditional products.
If you’re looking to start off with the basics, I encourage you to take a look at my online DIY Shampoo + Conditioner course. It’s full of workbooks, ebooks, and videos to get you started. If you’re ever in the Indianapolis area, feel free to join my in-person classes.
Watch how I make this DIY avocado & honey deep conditioning mask for dry natural hair.