Managing your curly hair can be a challenging task in and of itself, what with its individual curl pattern, porosity, width and so on. Add to that formula your face shape and you have a unique set of factors to cater your haircut to.
Round faces present themselves as full on all edges. Cheeks and jaw lines tend to look “puffy” with the wrong hair style. The good news is that even curly girls can achieve a look that is perfect with a round face. You just have to make sure you choose curly hair styles suitable for your unique shape.Short Curly Hair Styles
Some will argue that short curly hair styles are not the best choice for round-shaped faces. Depending on where the hairline ends, short curly hair styles can actually accentuate your round shape and add width to your face—something you are not likely to want to do.
However, if you don’t have the patience to grow your hair long, you can still make your hair style work. Choose a style that keeps the ends of your hair above your jaw line, creating an illusion of a longer face. Keep the emphasis on moving your hair upward, instead of outward (such as an inverted bob”>. In this picture of Halle Berry, the volume is at the top of her hair, specifically near the crown, which adds length to her round face.
Medium Curly Hair Styles
If you have a medium length of hair, there are a couple of curly hair styles that can accentuate the natural beauty of your face without drawing attention to its curved shape. Go for volume—off the scalp and outward somewhat—if you prefer wearing tighter curls. With a little bit of mousse or gel to scrunch your hair after you have combed it out, this hair style is ready-to-go straight out of the shower.
For a softer look, opt for larger curls and let them lay gently on your shoulders. You won’t need as much volume as you would for tighter curls since the larger curls add some length by themselves.
Alternatively, you can create the look of longer hair by wearing your hair in a side-swept ponytail. The off-balance look will definitely work in your favor and give you some of the advantages of longer curly hair.
Long Curly Hair Styles
Long hair gives you the largest choice of curly hair styles for round faces. In addition, long locks will help your round shaped face with what it always does best: keep you looking youthful. Keep the forehead free of bangs (aside from perhaps a few wisps”>, and use a definitive part when styling your hair. Your long locks will instantly add length to your face since the vertical shape of your hair competes with the width from your face—and the hair will dominate every time.
With length on your side, you can even get away with wearing your hair pulled back and down for a more formal look. Another option that works for both formal and casual looks is to add some subtle layers. The layers will help to highlight your naturally curly and beautiful hair, while wearing it down and in front of your shoulders will create the look of a more narrow face.
This article was originally published in July 2011 and has been updated for grammar and clarity.