For some curlies, regular shampoos and sulfate-free shampoos are equally drying. Adding a mud wash into your rotation of co-washing and ACV rinses creates a regimen full of various cleansing alternatives. Tina from MissT1806 teaches us how to create your own scalp soothing mud wash with just a few ingredients from her pantry.
1/3 cup aloe vera juice
2 Tbsp bentonite clay
1 Tbsp coconut oil
1 Tbsp honey
Tea tree oil
Lavender oil
Application bottle
Spray bottle
Mixthe bentonite clay, coconut oil, and honey in a bowl.
Pourthe mixture into an application bottle.
Addwater to dilute ¾ of the mud wash.
Fill your spray bottle with water to wet your hair as it begins to dry throughout the application process.
Wetyour hair and divide it into four quadrants.
Apply the mud wash directly to your scalp and massage with the pads of your fingers.
Rinseafter the mix has been thoroughly applied.
This mud wash will leaves your curls easy to detangle, soft to the touch, and shiny for days. For more curly mixology recipes, or to share your own favorite at-home treatments, go to our Recipes section.