Protective styles are ten times better when you can do them for yourself and you don’t have to spend a lot of money to look fabulous. Passion twists are a style that can easily be done at home and they are not complicated to install. They give the same aesthetic and feel as goddess or bohemian locs without the cost.

Passion Twists, Image source: @BohoBabe
What are passion twists?
@BohoBabe on Instagram created this look for her customers who wanted the cute Bohemian vibe but still wanted to maintain a natural look. The style uses some of the same tools you would use to create faux locs or goddess locs but does not require the wrapping that is involved in those styles.
What makes it different than other styles?

The creator of Passion Twists, Image source: @BohoBabe
Passion twists are different because of their texture. They are fun, natural, and relatively low maintenance. You can easily style the hair and wear it for a while because the older it gets, the better it looks.
How do I install it?
Make sure your hair is washed, moisturized, and blow dried for this style. Don’t dry it completely straight so that you’ll have something to grip on and the hair will blend more with the twists. Part your hair into 4 big sections and attack each section piece by piece. You’ll need foam wrapping lotion, Freetress braid hair, edge control.
- Fluff and seperate the Freetress hair to make it easier for you to start twisting.
- Separate one of the big sections into 2 inch smaller sections. Go through your hair with gel, splitting one small section in half.
- Grab onto the right and left section and twist them around the extension hair. Once it’s tight at the root, start two strand twisting the hair all the way to the end. Repeat this until you’ve completed one row.
- Follow all the steps you did in step 2 all over your head.
Here’s a great video that shows the step by step directions for this style by its creator.
Embedded content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jSitu6lzNo&feature=youtu.beMaintenance
Because your hair will be locked away in these twists, maintenance is a low lift. Make sure you sleep with a bonnet or pineapple. Other than that, you’re good to go!
Interested in trying them out? Let us know in the comments!