If you’re a 3b, you’re right-smack-dab-in-the-middle of all the wavies, curlies and coilies. Some days, your hair is more on the wavy side, and some days, you swear it became three times curlier overnight. As a 3b curly, you are no stranger to the scrunching, but you can also throw it up in a pineapple whenever you want.
You’ve most likely already found the NaturallyCurly Texture Typing System in an effort to get answers for all your curly/wavy questions. However, if you haven’t, this system breaks hair down into 3 categories – 2s, 3s, and 4s, with three subgroups within those categories – As, Bs, and Cs. Type 3b hair usually has ringlets that have the circumference of a Sharpie, and a big goal for 3b ladies is to fight frizz by using moisturizing products and to avoid drying ingredients.
Most people have multiple textures on their head, so it is very common to have majority 3b curls, with 3a and 3c mixed in as well. It’s important to understand that just because you have 3b hair does not mean that your hair will look and act like all 3bs, there are other characteristics of your hair type like porosity, density and width that play major roles.
Curious as to the different manifestations of 3b hair? We’ve compiled 20 photos of women blessed with 3b curls!
1. Érika
Image Source: @divinecurlz
2. Klavdiya
Photo courtesy of @all_aboutcurls
3. Jane
Image Source: @probablynotjane
4. Manda
Image Source: @itzz.manda
5. Ebony
Image Source: @wishuponacurl
6. Milena
Image Source: @milenadasic_
7. Nia
Image Source: @niathelight
8. Glory
Photo courtesy of @curly.glorii
9. Allison
Image Source: @curlsbyallision
10. Rizada
Image Source: @curlyveil
11. Dalima
Photo courtesy of @dalima_ss
12. Tyla

Image Source: @tylalauren
13. Nancy
Image Source: @phanccurltalk
14. Kiernan
Image Source: @curly.temple
15. Shelly
Image Source: @curlsshelly
16. April
Image Source: @_thehalfrican
17. Ruqaya
Image Source: @curly.qaya
18. Hortencia
Image Source: @stylefeen
19. Nicole

Image Source: @nicolemeline
20. Christina

Image Source: @christinavega_
Who is your Curl Crush? Tell us below!