Today I’m going to be taking you with me to the barbershop! If you have seen my Drawn on edges video, then you know I have had bad experiences at the barbershops.
Let’s roll out!
1. Have pictures ready to explain exactly what you want… paint the picture.
2. Wait for the barber to call you up to their chair.
3. Be specific on how low you want your cut. Describe exactly what you want.
4. Ask for a “tapered cut”. They can taper the sides or back. This is also called a fade.
5. Ask for an “edge-up”, a “line-up”, a “tape-up”, or a “shape-up”.
6. Let the barber know how low you’d like him or her to cut down the top part, if at all.
Final results
I didn’t get anything that drastic this time around. I got a “temp fade.” That is when they cut down near your temple areas. Now I will go ahead and wash my hair.
Watch the video
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