Some moments jolt you right out of your happiness.
source: Franchesca Ramsey, @chescaleigh
Just when you think you have a grip on the wheel of life, a fork appears. You know what’s more annoying than a fork in the road? A blowout! No, I’m not talking hair right now. I’m talking about the moment right before you make a final decision about which direction you are going to travel in life, you hear Pop! Skid! A blowout – yay (not”>!
The wheels grind and grumble into the asphalt. Momentum is nil. All movement halts. You are stuck behind the wheel of your life, immobilized and justifiably annoyed.
So, Navigator No. 1… watchu gone do?!
It is time to make a series of choices. Fast. And even though you are stuck behind the wheel, you may realize in an instant that you were born for these fork in the road moments that require fast thinking and definitive statements.
I mean, seriously – sometimes, you have to dab on the tough times!
But when dabbin’ on ’em stops working, you will need techniques to keep yourself grounded enough to power through.
That is why I am encouraging you to use a few of my tried and true techniques when the going gets tough. I had to pull all of them out of my bag of life hacks last month myself (seriously >> I can’t make this stuff up – see the inspiration for this post via my Instagram here > @gerilynhayes“>.
Take note!
When the Going Gets Tough…
Create a space to practice self-care. Understanding and accepting who you are, and loving all aspects of yourself, is the first step in getting through tough times. Take a moment to get in touch with yourself by practicing self-care. I like to write about my challenges, hence this post. Do what you need to in order to tackle your own challenges.
Get organized. The more organized you are, the more in control you may feel either of yourself or a given situation. Since each hour is an opportunity to move forward, I use a time-blocking technique to keep track of my personal progress. When my car was getting repaired, I had to plan my entire week around the process. I was able to better navigate the situation because I concentrated on managing my time effectively. You can, too (hopefully not with a busted up car, though“>!
Allow your bliss to flow through and around you. You have no business trying to live your best life for other people. So, don’t. Ever… Period. Choose what moves you, every day of your amazing life. I know that it can be difficult, but I also know that you are capable of letting good things come into your life on a regular basis. I’m just making sure you know that you have good vibes coming from your fellow curlfriend, so get your B-L-I-S-S on, woman!
Choose the dark chocolate mousse cake. Always. When rough days crop up, I will never tell you to put the dark chocolate mousse cake down because loving dark chocolate mousse cake is a part of who you are, and I will forever applaud you for this. Mind you, I am not making light of emotional eating but I do know that in some instances dark chocolate mousse cake is the only solution. Now, applaud yourself and choose the dark chocolate mousse cake then tackle the toughness.
Above all else, choose yourself. Forever. No one knows your hidden joys, your sorrows, your struggle, and how you have become the amazing human being that you are better than you do. That is why you must always remember to choose to be who you are, at all times. And if you lose your footing, it is okay – take a step back, take a deep breath, and remember you have gotten this far and you have more to do with your life so keep going, woman!
source: SoulPancake, @soulpancake
BONUS TIP: When the going gets really tough and you’ve done everything you know how, but things still seem to feel stuck, reach out to family and friends for help. If you need a professional ear, counseling and therapy are options that can help you navigate those times when mantras may not work or/and your emotions seem unmanageable. When I was having that aforementioned awful week, I called on a handful of best friends, one of which is a NaturallyCurly Contributing writer Jake Roussel. I encourage you to read his content about hair care and maintenance from the male perspective; he has so much to share with you!
And there you have it :”> I hope that these tips help you navigate your journey, whether be it natural hair or life in general.
So, tell me: How are you taking the wheel and steering your life in the direction of your deepest held dreams?
I’m looking forward to hearing your stories.