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How To Fix A Bad Perm

Whether the curl is too tight, you failed at an at-home perm or you simply don’t like the result, dealing with a bad perm doesn’t have to be an annoying or routine-changing task. There are countless ways to tame or rid your strands of a bad perm. As with any remedy, be sure to follow each instruction carefully, so that no further hair damage is done to your tresses.

Before we can get down to the essentials of how to correct a bad perm, first we must figure out what your problem is. Depending upon the issue, there may be an at home fix. Unfortunately, some perm mistakes cannot be corrected at home, at least without damaging your hair and look even more. A professional consultation may be required, but first, before you walk out of the house with a scarf or hat hiding the disaster, analyze the problem and figure out where you need to begin.

At-Home Perm Remedy

Trim fishtails only where your cut won’t disturb the curl pattern. Basically, only trim the straight parts!

This at-home remedy includes conditioner, plastic wrap, and canola oil. Applying the oil on dirty hair is best.

For many, this process will help to loosen the perm. However, others may need to repeat this at-home remedy several times in a span of a week to see the effects start to hold.

What You’ll Need
  1. Find an area that will catch your spills. Place your head over a sink, bathtub, garbage can or any other disposal object. It is likely you will be getting product all over the area, so make sure what you’re wearing and where you are at can take the beating.
  2. Apply oil and wrap your hair. Apply enough canola oil in order to soak the hair from root to tip. Wrap the hair in plastic wrap, or any other covering that will protect your clothing and objects. Then wrap your head in a towel. This will help prevent any drips and keep moisture and heat inside the treatment. The oil should remain on the hair for at least one hour.
  3. Rinse with a gentle shampoo. After an hour passes, rinse the hair completely. Please note it will take quite some time to rinse all of the oil out. If you are having trouble, use a gentle shampoo
  4. Condition and repeat. After rinsing the hair of oil, condition the hair and allow it to sit for at least two to three minutes. Rinse the conditioner and repeat the conditioning process once more.

Correcting a Fishtail

For many, a bad perm is the result of an improper perm rod application. A fishtail can result if the hair is not wound around the perm rod correctly.

Also, if the hair is extremely straight or coarse, it may not wind properly, resulting in a straight rather than curly look. Luckily, fixing a fishtail is easy.

  1. Trim the ends. Simply trimming the end of the fishtail can solve the problem. Be sure that you are using a pair of shears, rather than plain scissors. Make the cut only on the straight part of the hair. The cut should not interfere with the curl pattern at all.
  2. Blend the hair. You can also use a hot tool, such as a blow dryer or a curling iron, in order to blend the hair more naturally.
  3. You have a professional option. If the fishtail look is too drastic for your liking, ask your stylist to re-perm the fishtails so that they blend. Wait at least three days after the initial perm, however, so as not to cause too much damage to your hair.

Chemical Misapplication

Many times a perm goes bad because the perm solution isn’t left on for the proper amount of time. In addition, if the hair isn’t in a healthy state, it may not take the solution properly.

This may result in permanent damage to the hair. Most of the time, this type of mistake can result in a major haircut in order to fix the error. Bad perms often can be unshapely, result in no curls at all or create a noticeably frizzy look.

Use a good deep conditioner to hydrate your hair back to health. This will decrease frizz and result in a better-looking perm.

Condition, Condition, Condition!

Healthy curly hair needs conditioning, and often, which means that damaged curls need even more! So many curl dilemmas are due to lack of conditioning, so get your mane on the right track!

Final thoughts

A bad perm can be frustrating, but whether you’re just dissatisfied with the results or there was an error during the application process, it is possible to get through them. Let us know what you’ve tried!


This article was originally published in August 2011 and has been updated for grammar and clarity.

Emu Oil Benefits for Curls, Kinks & Waves

It seems as though each day a new product guaranteed to give you longer, stronger, healthier hair is introduced. Some of them even go so far as to claim that they can stop hair loss and even re-grow hair. Although some products can actually stop hair loss and allow for the re-growth of hair, most of them do little to improve the condition of your hair.

Of all the products that make such claims, however, emu oil benefits the condition of your scalp, which is where hair growth starts. This product may actually be everything it’s hyped up to be.

How Does Hair Actually Grow?

First Things First

Hair actually starts growing below the epidermis, or top layer of skin, of the scalp. Hair follicles go through three separate phases, and each one may be in a different stage of growth.

The first stage is called the anagen stage. The hair begins to grow from the root and gradually works its way to the end of the follicle. This is actually the only time that hair is considered alive. Next is the catagen stage. During this phase, the hair has fully grown, and the hair follicle itself is actually coming closer to the surface of the skin. The hair is actually getting ready to be shed. Nothing happens to the hair itself during this period. Color does not change (unless it is by artificial means”>, and the length remains the same. It is, for all intents and purposes, “dead,” although a more precise term would be to say the hair is in a “resting” phase. Hair shedding of the follicle and preparing for new hair growth occurs during the telogen phase. This is the phase in which the existing hair falls out, a new hair follicle grows, and the process starts all over again.

Again, each of these phases is occurring at a different time on different parts of your head and body. Of course, the hair on your head is more noticeable; that is why each day you see hair left behind in the sink, on your brush or comb, as weeks pass after a haircut or as you notice your hair growing long again.

Emu Oil Benefits for Hair Growth

How Do They Interact?

Clinical studies conducted in the United States and other parts of the world show that emu oil works with the anagen phase of hair growth. This is the only phase in which the hair follicle and the hair are actually considered “living,” and thus can be affected by any type of product.

It is thought that emu oil benefits cell growth and provide skin stimulation around new hair follicles as they start and continue the development process. All of these together help hair to grow faster; in addition, the hair grown is said to be healthier.

How Much To Use

Experiment for Best Results

The amount of emu oil you use will depend on your personal preference as well as your hair’s characteristics. If your hair tends to be naturally oily, you may not want to use as much as someone who has normal or dry hair. Additionally, the thickness of your hair will have a bearing on how much you use. Thick hair may require more in order to penetrate each follicle as well as the scalp, while thinner hair may require less.

The length of your hair is also a factor in how much emu oil benefits you’ll get from the amount you use. Longer hair may require more, especially if it tends to be dry. You’ll want to use as much as is needed to make sure the emu oil is applied all the way down the hair shaft. Shorter hair, on the other hand, may tend to be oilier, and, of course, will be closer to the scalp. You will probably need less if your hair is short.

It may require a little experimentation to get just the right amount. Once you’ve found what is best for your hair, however, you can jot it down so you won’t forget, or you can even put the emu oil in a dispenser that allows you to dispense the amount you need. You may want to consider doing the latter if you buy your oil in large quantities.

Where to Buy Emu Oil

  • Emu oil can be purchased through online merchants. You can also find it in health food stores, beauty supply stores, and possibly even in some drug or department stores.

Want More?

See how DeDe feels about her emu oil shampoo results!

How to Find Your Hair Porosity & Density

As curlies, we all know how important it is to choose hair products for the right hair types. But there are two other factors just as important that will help our hair get the best care it can: hair porosity and density. Before we get into how to do the at-home analysis, let’s talk about what hair porosity and density mean, as well as the different characteristics of curly and wavy hair.

How to Determine Hair Density

The density of your hair is simply how thin or thick it is. The number of hair follicles in a specific area of your hair, say a 1-inch area, determines your hair’s density.

The only way to truly determine density is to have someone literally examine a 1-inch square section of your scalp and count the number of hair follicles, or the number of hairs, in that 1-inch section. However, you can also do a simple hair density test with just two of your senses — vision and touch.

Your hair texture defines how your hair reacts to certain products, humidity and eve water. Knowing your hair’s texture can point you in the right direction for your perfect products and hair regimen.

Kinky Hair

Kinky hair is hair that is very tightly curled. When you pull it straight out from the scalp, it immediately springs back as tight as it was before.

What’s your hair texture?

  1. Make sure your hair is completely dry. Wet hair can feel and look thinner than it actually is.
  2. Be sure that your hair has not been picked out, combed, or styled in any way.
  3. Look closely at your hair from all angles, and see if you can see your scalp through the hair strands. If you can, your hair has very low density.

Curly and Wavy Hair

Curly hair is looser than kinky hair, but may still have quite a bit of tightness in it. Wavy hair is exactly what it sounds like. It has large or small waves, but little, if any, curliness or kinkiness.

  1. Make sure your hair is hanging loosely. Do not part it; rather, let it fall into its natural shape.
  2. Look at your hair from all angles. Can you see any scalp showing anywhere? If it very easily seen, your hair has low density.
  3.  Take your hair and gather it up as if you were going to put it in a ponytail. You may want to go ahead and secure it in a ponytail so that you won’t have to hold it. Brush it as smooth as you possibly can so that hair will not be “bunched up.”
  4. Examine your hair again from all angles. This time, if you see more scalp than when it was down, you can determine that your hair is of medium density. No scalp showing at all means your hair is of high density.

How to Determine Hair Porosity

The simple definition of hair porosity is the ability of your hair to absorb and retain any type of moisture.

If your hair is not very porous at all, the cuticle layers, the scales of the hair shaft that overlap one another, are very close together and are tightly closed. They allow little, if any, moisture to get in or out. If your hair is like this, it is considered to have low porosity.

The further apart the cuticle layers are, and the more open they are, the more porous your hair will be. If the space between them is exactly as it should be, and they are open just as much as they should be, you have normal hair porosity. On the other hand, if you could drive a semi truck between the spaces as well as through them, your hair is considered to be overly porous.

For hair porosity, you want to feel your hair while it is wet, and the technique is the same for all hair types.

  1. Squeeze or blot excess moisture from your hair so that it is not dripping, but leave it as wet as possible.
  2. If it feels rough or has a “straw-like” texture,  your hair is not very porous.
  3.  If your hair simply feels wet, you have normal hair porosity.
  4. If your hair has high porosity, it will feel sticky, almost as if you had not washed all product out of your hair.

Want more?

Have fine hair? Stay away from heavy products, and try these tips for working with fine hair.

Final thoughts

Once you have determined your hair porosity and density, you can start using products specifically made for your type of curls. No single race or hair type has pre-determined porosity and density, so the only way to find out is to perform an at-home test on your curls.

It is just another aspect of your curls that makes them completely unique to you!

Curly Hair Tips for Kinky Roots

You’ve styled your hair, applied your make-up, and are ready to slip into your partying, work or church outfit. Then you take one last look at yourself before walking out the door, and immediately wish you hadn’t. The mirror is greeting you with the sight of your poofy roots, resembling someone who stuck her finger in an electrical socket!

What makes this so aggravating, besides the fact that it totally changes the way your style looks, is the fact that it’s just the roots. The rest of your hair is still exactly like you styled it.

You may not have time to do anything with your kinky roots this time, but you don’t want this to happen again. Here are some curly hair tips to tame your kinky roots and stop fearing the mirror.

Wrap Your Hair

Yes, turban style!

You may want to consider wrapping your hair in an absorbent towel or turban immediately after washing it to see if that will help your kinky roots lay down. Keeping in moisture while maintaining shape is essential for curly hair, especially for those who’s roots refuse to stay put. Apply your product to soaking wet hair, wrap your hair in a towel and let it sit. The amount of time you have available will determine how long you leave your hair in the towel, but the longer, the better.

You can even opt for more fashionable hair wraps like scarves. This way, you can leave your hair in the scarf all day while it dries and not be stuck in the bathroom. Come nighttime, your roots will be set in place! Make sure to choose a soft nylon or silk scarf since cotton, or similar materials, will pull at your hair and mess up your style.

Ask Your Stylist

She usually knows best.

One of the best things you can do is to just simply ask a professional — your stylist – for her curly hair tips. This can be especially helpful if you’ve been going to her for quite a while. She knows your hair type and can take that into consideration when offering you advice.

Don’t be afraid to ask her if certain things may help. For example, cutting or thinning your hair just enough to make it more manageable, but still leave it long enough so that you can change styles when you want to, might help. The weight of your hair or the growth pattern may be what’s causing your kinky roots problem, and trimming your curls may just be the solution.

Do you wear your hair in pretty much the same styles, even though you swap them up depending on the occasion? If so, these styles may be causing damage to the roots of your hair, even if you don’t wear them that often or for that long. For example, constantly wearing your hair up and pulled back will cause creases and, ultimately, breakage at the root.

This is something else your stylist can help you with. She can look for damage and determine if it is being caused by the styles you wear. If it is, she will most likely be able to suggest some other styles that will be less damaging.

Protect Your Hair From Heat

Heat equals damage, always!

If you are still using heat appliances multiple times a week, you may be damaging your hair. In its natural state, the damage becomes much more apparent, and as the oils from your head reach your damaged locks, they will inflate.

For a long-term fix, put the straightening iron down and transition out to a permanent natural look that is much healthier for your curly hair! For a more immediate fix, use styling products that will protect your hair from heat. These can include shampoos and conditioners, so that protection will start right away, even before you start styling your hair. Even though you will rinse these products out, some protection will remain behind.

When you are ready to style your hair, look for leave-in products that don’t add weight or alter the sheen of your hair. In other words, avoid products that will make your hair look too oily or too dull, but find ones that do protect your hair from heat. Use these products only on the roots and perhaps the first one to two inches of hair away from the roots. These are probably the only places they need to be applied anyway.

Share what you know!

  • Let us know which curly hair tips work best for your kinky roots!
  • Everyone’s hair, despite type, is completely different. Even the hair on your own head is different from one area to the next.
  • What works best for one person may not work for another. Put these methods to the test, find your solution, and tell us about it!
Keratin Treatments: Pros & Cons

For many curly, wavy and kinky haired girls, keratin treatments seem like a blessing. This hair straightening and smoothing process is thought to keep the hair straight without frizz or fly-aways for a long period of time. For many curly girls wanting to go straight, this means less time styling and less worry about our end result. However, the process has come under some harsh medical scrutiny. So, the question is, do the pros outweigh the cons?

What are Keratin Treatments?

And how do they do it?

When receiving a keratin treatment, the hair is first shampooed with a clarifier. The hair is then blow dried so that all moisture is removed. Next, solution is applied with a brush and then combed throughout the hair. The hair is then wrapped into a plastic cap, and is allowed to set for approximately 20 minutes.

After this time period passes, the hair is blow dried once more and then flat ironed. The oils of the treatment will set into the hair within a few hours – so static strands are normal at this time.

The hair must be kept straight, as the stylist has it, for 72 hours. No hair accessories may be used in the hair as it may disturb the process. Do not allow the hair to get wet while in the shower.

Pros of a Brazilian Keratin Treatment

It must be popular for some reason!

Ultimately, a treatment can be done on nearly any type of hair whether relaxed, chemically straightened, color-treated, curly, kinky or wavy. The treatment is also suitable for men.

The treatment can last for nearly six months. A keratin treatment will help to prevent frizz, fly-aways and leave a silky, shiny gleam to the hair. Ultimately, this treatment is great for men & women who are looking for straighter hair for longer periods of time.

Cons of Keratin Treatments

Health Concerns Galore

One of the biggest concerns and cons of using keratin treatments is the risk of one’s health. The Department of Labor issued a hazard alert for keratin treatments, stating the dangers of the formaldehyde. While keratin treatments have yet to be banned, the danger associated with being around the chemicals used in the treatment poses health concerns for both the stylist and you!

Formaldehyde is most commonly associated with a high cancer risk. According to the National Cancer Institute, while we have always been well aware of the short-term health affects — such as watery eyes, skin irritation, coughing, nausea and burning sensations in the eyes, ears and throat — long-term health affects were still unclear until 1987 when the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency classified formaldehyde as a probable human carcinogen. Since then, Canada has outlawed the treatment due to the health concerns.

Today, despite the health risks, the keratin treatments are still popular with curlies looking for straighter strands over a long period of time, and the U.S. has yet to outlaw the treatment.

Weigh Your Options

  • Are you willing to trade straighter strands for health risks?
  • For this curly, I’m taking probable human carcinogen as a message to stay away!

Our Co-Founder’s Brazilian Blowout Experience

Read all about Michelle’s Brazilian Keratin Treatment. 

Coloring Gray Hair

We’ve all been there: we color our hair, then a few days or weeks later, we need to do it all over again. As we age, the appearance of gray hair can make our hair coloring regimen even harder. Learning the right techniques for coloring gray hair is the first step to creating a healthy, youthful look.

Gray strands can pop up at any age. However, evaluating your gray hair situation is important before coloring. If you have less then 40% gray, then you can color your hair at home. Use permanent or semi-permanent hair color without alcohol or peroxide to avoid dry, brittle, colored hair. This will result in faster fading and more frequent hair color sessions.

For ladies with curly, kinky or wavy hair and significant gray coverage, a hair stylist can offer highlights to help mask your gray hair. Whether it’s a simple transformation of color where there is gray, or a glaze that makes hair look shiny and natural, both hair coloring options are effective, but hard to maintain. Highlights most likely will need to be redone in a few week’s time, so it’s important to commit to coloring gray hair regularly.

Lastly, for those who are completely gray, a full head color is recommended with the use of color wands as hair grows out.

Tips for Coloring Gray Hair

Simply adding a few lowlights of color can create a subtle look of youth.

Get Sulfate Free Products Now

  1. Make sure the color sits for the correct amount of time. Since gray hair is difficult to cover, it’s important to keep hair dye on long enough to let the color take. Oftentimes, gray is resistant to color altogether, so there may be trouble spots on your head if you do not follow the coloring instructions properly. Timing is crucial!
  2. Choose darker colors. To create a natural look, choose a shade that is no more then two or three shades lighter then your natural hair color. Going overboard on bleaching can cause extreme damage to your locks.
  3. Always use sulfate-free products. We recommend Bed Head shampoos, conditioners and styling products. Also, color-enhancing shampoos, such as those from Pantene Pro-V, will prevent fading and/or changing of hair color tones between color treatments.
  4. Rinse hair with cool water. Always rinse your hair with cool or lukewarm water since hot water makes the hair lose its color faster. Extended exposure to the sun as well as to chlorine water can also damage the color.
  5. Let a professional help. If you’re looking to bleach your gray hair for a lighter hair color or simply for highlights, let a professional help. Gray hair can be extremely difficult to bleach and tone, and can take on a yellowish hue if colored improperly.

Gray is Beautiful!

Coloring gray isn’t your only option, you know. Gray hair rocks, and comes in just as many shades as any other color. Take some inspiration from these silver sirens as they explain why they refuse to color their locks. 

Final thoughts

Master these techniques for coloring gray hair, and you’ll be able to get the fresh look you want, and keep it for weeks to come. Let us know how it turns out!

Beauty Trends: Weird, Painful & Deadly

Women’s desire to remain beautiful has had them doing crazy, weird things to their hair, nails and skin for as long as recorded history.

Whether from ancient or from modern times, these gross beauty trends are outrageous and have had women everywhere feeding into their popularity.

Ultimately, there are always beauty trends that have many of us shaking our heads. Here are some of our favorites that are really “out-there.”

Pale-Face Makeup

When too much is too much!

Made popular in the Middle Ages, the pale face fashion helped to hide scars and sores from smallpox. However, many beauty pros still think this whiteout look makes the face more dramatic for fashion shows and even everyday life.

To accomplish the look in the Middle Ages, women used white lead on the face, which resulted in many deaths from lead poisoning.

Teased Hair

Bad for your hair, and for your fashion reputation.

A popular facet of the ’80s, teased hair had women puffing the hair out from the roots of their hair.

To accomplish the look, women used combs and an up-and-down brush stroke to give the hair excess volume and have it stand on end. Due to the motion, hair easily tangled. Women not using conditioners to detangle the hair on a daily basis saw major hair breakage from repeated teasing.

Today, “The Jersey Shore’s” own Snooki (Nicole Polizzi”> has popularized this signature 1980s look by “poofing” and teasing the hair upward, creating a poof on the top of the head. The trend has exploded across the world, and teens and women alike are exposing their inner poof. Yikes!

Bright Eye Shadow

Still a Halloween staple.

Remember Mimi from “The Drew Carey Show”? This makeup trend had women applying bright blue, purple, pink and any other pastel color from the lash line to the brow bone. The result? A bright mess of rainbow colors that looks like frosting.

What were we thinking?

Sanding Hair Away

No pain, lots of hair gain!

While we understand that tweezing, threading, shaving and waxing hair off of our bodies isn’t ideal, but sandpaper—well, that seems worse.

During the Renaissance, people would use depilatory creams made from home with arsenic and quicklime.

The most shocking technique occurred in the 1940s when women used sandpaper to remove unwanted body hair. Ouch!

Drawn-On Eyebrows

Heck, some are even stick on!

Made popular by Annette Funicello in the 1950s, this shaved off brow look creates a harsh brow line on the forehead. Many runway models, and celebrities such as Pam Anderson, have adopted this weird beauty trend.

In fact, now, many women are opting for tattooing the brow on. We hate to call out our fair-haired sisters, but come on—the idea is a little weird.

Deadly Lips

In nature, red does mean stop…

Cleopatra herself popularized one of the most outrageous beauty trends in history. She made perhaps one of the first ever lip plumping concoctions—it consisted of beeswax, ants and beetle blood. After crushing the ingredients and mixing them, the concoction was applied to the lips.

The look gave the red lipstick appearance women still love today, but many experts agree that Cleo’s mixture was poisonous. This sure makes fish scales in lipstick seem like kid’s play.

Crimped Hair

Oops, they did it again.

Remember going to bed as a kid with wet, braided hair and waking up with that oh-so-popular crimped look? For kids, the look is quick, easy and takes hairstyle woes off parents during a quick and busy morning rush.

However, in the 1990s, crimping irons began showing up in malls across America, and musicians such as Alanis Morisette and Brittany Spears took the trend to an extreme by showcasing their crimped, long, frizzy locks in music videos, at award shows and in pictures none of us will ever forget. What a frightening sight!

Let us know what you think!

  • What weird beauty trends do you follow?
  • What common trends now may make a list just like this in the future?
  • Are these back in?

Want more?

Take a look at these weird hairstyles throughout the ages!

How to Make Wavy Hair Curl Evenly

If you’re blessed with wavy hair, you may sometimes feel like the texture is more of a curse than anything. There can be several reasons for this:

• Your hair tends to frizz, especially in humid weather.

• Your hair has different lengths (for example, shorter around the face but longer in the back”>

These reasons, as well as others, can make it hard to evenly curl your hair, but it’s not impossible. Here’s how to make wavy hair curl evenly with just a little time and effort.

Start with the Right Tools

Frustrated with your wavy locks? Learn how to turn take them from night mare to, “My, hair!”

These include, but are not limited to, styling products such as mousse, sprays, and gels. All of these can help you tame unruly curls. Just make sure they do not contain alcohol which can dry your hair out, since curly hair already has a tendency toward being dry.

Dryness can also cause breakage, which in turn leads to frizz waves. Add a humid day to the mix of overly dry hair due to harsh styling products and you have achieved the old “finger in the light socket” look.

Your styling tools should include blow dryers with diffuser attachments and curling irons or curling brushes that have 2″ to 3″ barrels. You also want to have a sturdy wide-tooth comb as well as a large, at least 2″ to 3″ in diameter, round brush. You can also invest in some large curlers for those occasions when you have a little more styling time.

What You’ll Need

  • Pins or clips
  • Round Brush or Curling Iron
  • Blow Dryer
  • Diffuser
  1. Work with small sections of hair. Starting with the under section, pin or clip the rest of your hair out of the way while you work, loosening one section as you finish another.
  2. Start at the root of each section. If you are using a round brush or curling iron, start at the root of each section and work your way down to the ends. When using curling appliances, gently pull your hair straight out and clamp the appliance at the root, gently sliding it down to the end. Then, turn the curling appliance in the direction you want your curl to go. If you are using a round brush, pull the hair straight out and gently roll it around the brush, then blow-dry.
  3. Begin with the top and side sections. Starting with the curls on the top and side sections can quicken and perfect the process. Because the top and side sections of your hair are usually where the shortest, tightest curls are, you can tame them first and then concentrate on the back and crown.
  4. Create natural looking curls. For more natural looking curls, simply don’t create identical curls all-over. For women with curly hair, each strand forms a different shape. Perfectly identical curls are not common.

The Versatility of the Curling Iron

Curling irons can achieve loose, beach waves or perfect corkscrews. It all depends on the barrel and heat setting!

Final thoughts

If your waves are still not curling evenly, focus on mimicking one section and continue that pattern around the head. How do you use your curling iron to create spiral and even curls? Let us know!

How to Cut Curly Hair to Eliminate Poof

Curly hair is notorious for the poofy, frizzy mess that it can sometimes be. Thus, it’s important to find effective ways to cut curly hair in order to tame our curly locks.

Of course, frizz and poof aren’t just about the cut, but also about the care. So here we break it down for you, from the why behind the bulk, to the strategies behind the tame.

Why Does Curly Hair Get Bulky?

Curly hair generally poofs because of its texture and ultimately, its bulk. Specific haircuts can also increase or decrease your poof, given that they increase or decrease your bulk.

For example, a blunt cut creates more volume and leaves a pyramid or triangle shaped ‘do for curlies. This haircut is prone to the notorious poof as the bulk of your hair is situated in a small space.

On the other hand, layers can often cut down on the amount of bulk, thus reducing a poofy look. By displacing strands in different sections of the hair, you are essentially spreading the poof out, giving the appearance that you have less of it.

Keep in mind, however, that too many layers will create volume, which often translates to poof. Be sure that you explain your end goal to your stylist in order to ensure that he or she understands your expectations.

What You’ll Need

  • Trimming scissors
  • A mirror
  • Thinning scissors
  • Carol’s Daughter Hair Milk
  • Curl Junkie Rehab
  1. Never wet your curly hair before it is cut. This tends to increase the amount of shrinkage once it dries. Curly strands are best cut dry, which helps to ensure that the length of your locks will stay in place, even after the first wash.
  2. Trim hair to desired length. It’s important that you take the time to cut each curl one at a time and straight across. Using a mirror, pull trimmed curls out straight and double check their length. Be sure that your hair is trimmed evenly. It is OK if it is not perfect, your curly texture will hide minor imperfections.
  3. Add texture! Using either texturizing or thinning scissors, separate the hair into 1-inch pieces. Hold each piece away from your head and use the shears on the bottom third of your hair. This will help to reduce bulk. It’s important that you work from the back of the head toward the crown. After you’re done texturizing, shake your curls out to ensure there are no uneven spots on your head. Touch any of these spots up with the shears.
  4. Tame poof and frizz. Use shampoos without sodium laureth or sodium lauryl as these ingredients often strip the hair of its natural oils. Natural oils are responsible for locking in moisture, so once these are gone, your hair will dry out fast. The drier hair is, the more poof it creates. Using a shampoo such as Carol’s Daughter Hair Milk will both cleanse the hair without any harmful chemicals and hydrate your strands. Two birds, one stone!
  5. Condition often. Use moisturizing conditioners and deep conditioning masks to help hydrate your hair. Hydration will increase the amount of retained moisture and lessen the poof on your head. For extreme cases of hair dehydration, treat your tresses to a reparative treatment such as Curl Junkie Curl Rehab. In no time, your curls will be out of the desert and lounging at the oasis.

Remember, when styling, use hair care products such as waxes or pomades to help smooth poof down. This is a great quick fix if you are in a hurry, but always keep in mind that for naturally smooth and moisturized tresses, conditioning, and conditioning often, is a must.

Want more tips?

We’ve got plenty! Find 15 of our tried and true, must know, must follow, no frizz tips!

Final thoughts

Ultimately, knowing how to cut and style your curly hair to avoid a poof is simple. All you have to do is stay away from cuts that bulk hair up and use products that provide ample amounts of moisture. Doing this will save you from ever having another poofy day again, and to that, we say amen!

3 Easy Hair Twists to Try

Coming up with innovative ways to style our curly, kinky or wavy hair can be daunting, but have no fear! We’ve mastered three beautiful hair twists and are offering you helpful tips on how to twist your hair to perfection.

Side Twist

One side or both sides, big or small!

A side twist is one of the most basic hair twists to try. Simply, pull the hair back into a ponytail or bun, leaving two 1-inch pieces on each side, outside of the pony. Keep in mind that you can create as many twists as you would like. If you want more, leave more strands out from the bun or ponytail.

After sleeking your hair back, take each piece, one side at a time, and twist gradually until you can secure it with a bobby pin underneath the pony, or whatever pieces of hair you have left hanging. The goal is to hide the pins.

This is a trendy new version of an up ‘do, and while it is simple to create, it comes off as sophisticated and put together.

Front Twist

Twist hair out and away from your face.

For a front twist style, begin at your part, separating pieces of hair in to two sections. Then, twist each piece upward horizontally until it is tight. Be careful not to twist the strands too tightly as this can damage your locks.

Pin the hair in place and repeat on the other side. Once the twists are in place, you should have accomplished a half up, half down look. Use a finishing spray, like Innersense I Create Finishing Spray, to add shine and definition to the curls underneath.

Twistie Twist

Like a braid, but easier!

A twistie twist is another of the popular hair twists. Ultimately, each strand is twisted, then the strands are twisted together, creating a double twist. The technique is similar to braiding, except that you have only two pieces of hair, rather than three.

This hairstyle is best accomplished on freshly conditioned, towel dried hair.

Start by separating two strands of your hair. Then twist each individual strand. Using your finger, twist the two strands around your fingers until you have little buns. Leave room on the bottom in order to secure it properly. Hairpins or rubber bands can be used to secure each strand. Continue this technique throughout. Allow the hair to dry completely without heat.

Another variation of this hairstyle is to allow the hair to naturally unravel instead of securing each strand.

This hairstyle is great for thick, coarse or out of control curly hair. For different results, try different size hair twists.

For thicker hair, section the hair into four parts and work on each section; it’s important that each twist is twisted in the same direction.

What Products to Use

Watch How to Get The Look

A wet twist style, step by step.

See more Videos on the NaturallyCurly Channel

With over 600 videos, and more being added everyday, what you’re looking for is just waiting to be found. Check out NaturallyCurly’s YouTube Channel!

Mineral Oil or Coconut Oil for Hair?

Of all the curly hair secrets, oil application has to be the most tried and true. And, of all the oils, mineral and coconut oil have had the curly-haired community talking for years!

If you haven’t caught the detangling and frizz reducing fever that is natural oil, then not only are you missing out, but you have a tough choice to make!

Of course, by simply knowing the benefits of using mineral and coconut oil for hair care and which hair fix you are looking for, you can easily determine which oil is best for your specific head of hair. So, read on and try it out. We promise, you won’t regret it!

Are Natural Oils Safe For Hair?

First of all, we have to touch on the topic: are natural oils good for your hair? The truth is, scientists have continuously researched the notion that these oils are unsafe; however, there has not been any substantial proof to support the claim.

While these oils are often used in conjunction with petroleum, organic oils for your hair can be found easily. The organic versions of these oils contain no ingredients that would cause damage to your tresses. Because of this, you need not be fearful in using them for a home remedy to frizz or other hair damage.

As always, simply pay attention to the ingredients.

Mineral Oil

Mineral oil is a popular ingredient found in many personal care and cosmetic products. It is a great lubricant and is non-greasy. Because it is a lubricant, it is great for detangling curly hair.

It works by sitting on the surface of your hair, forming a barrier that protects the hair’s cuticle. This creates a smooth and fly-away free look.

Besides the frizz fighting agent, mineral oil has also been proven to decrease the damage done to hair from chemical relaxers, making it perfect for those transitioning their locks.

For curly hair, mineral oil is great for forming and defining your ringlets. The oil acts as a sort of magnet for hair, attracting the fibers to one another. Ultimately, this creates a more defined look.

If you choose to use mineral oil, be sure that you also use a sulfate-free shampoo, such as Carol’s Daughter Moisturizing Shampoo.

While mineral oil can offer a lot of great benefits from less frizz to more defined kinks, it can often create a bit of buildup. Therefore, it is important to wash your hair a couple times a week to rid the hair of oil and dirt buildup.

Coconut Oil

For thousands of years, coconut oil for hair care has been used all over the world. It is best known for providing both shine and strength to locks, making it extremely popular for curly hair care enthusiasts.

Coconut oil has proven to be a great leave-in conditioner for curly hair, especially thick tresses. Plus, the curlier your hair, the more oil you can use! This is due to the texture that super curly or kinky hair has. As naturally produced oils have a difficult time sliding down the curls, using an abundant amount of coconut oil will not make the hair look greasy.

Apply the oil to clean, dry hair by rubbing it into your scalp and ends. For those with dry-scalp, coconut oil can also hydrate your hair.

Ultimately, coconut oil prevents the lifting of the hair’s cuticle, which contributes to a frizzy look. A research study done in 1999 by the Nature Care Division of Marico Industries, found that coconut oil is the only oil known to “reduce the protein loss remarkably for both undamaged and damaged hair when used as a pre-wash and post-wash grooming product.”

In comparison to mineral oil, coconut oil is less effective at preventing frizz and fly-aways. However, coconut oil for hair is great for someone who needs more absorption, while mineral oil is better for exterior or surface-level hair problems.

Whichever oil you choose, including coconut or mineral oil in your hair care routine will definitely spruce up your locks and keep them healthy, longer.

Hair Styling Tools for Salon Quality ‘Dos

Hair Styling ToolsEvery time you head to the salon for a cut and style, you most likely watch as closely as you can in the hopes of duplicating the moves and techniques used to achieve the same look you have when you leave the salon. Unfortunately, when you get home and it’s time to style your hair yourself, you end up finding that you are woefully lacking in skills.

Unless you’ve taken cosmetology courses, you’re not going to have the training that your stylist received. However, all is not lost! This does not mean you can’t achieve the same results at home.

Pay Attention

The next time you’re in the beauty salon, notice the hair styling tools that your stylist uses. These consist of the same ones you most likely have in your home, but take time to look a little closer.

The curling irons or brushes, straightening irons, and other hair styling tools may be a different size than those you are using right now, or they may use tools that you have not been using. Tools can make all the difference in style outcome, so if you see that your stylist is using different varieties of the same tools you use at home, speak up and ask why.

Use the Right Tools

The tools you need will depend on several factors. These include, but are not limited to:

Your particular hairstyle

The length of your hair

Your hair’s texture (normal, dry, oily, straight, curly, etc.”>

Most hairstyles, except for the shortest or curliest ones will usually require a blow dryer. These range from small ones (600 to 900 watts”> to larger ones (1200 watts or higher.”> The size you will need depends on how long and thick your hair is.

Many blow dryers have different nozzle attachments. These can include nozzles that direct the airflow to a specific area or hair diffusers that allow the air to reach larger areas of your hair (these are often used with curly styles”>.

More Tips

Your stylist most likely makes use of curling irons or curling brushes, straightening irons, or other heat styling tools. It’s true that learning how to use these properly can be a little tricky at first, but if you choose the right sized appliance, it will be easier. Smaller-barreled curling irons give you tighter curls or waves. Larger-barreled ones give you looser curls or waves.

Straightening irons have plates rather than barrels. Smaller plates let you work with smaller sections, and make it easier to straighten the under section of your hair. Larger plates let you work with larger sections—a plus when you’re in a hurry.

Stylists do have access to hair styling tools that are designed specifically for professional salon use. Ask your stylist is he or she knows of anywhere you can purchase the product. Stylists can give great tips for where to gain certain items and if not, they can at least point you in the right direction of very similar products—those of which they probably use at home themselves.

You may also be able to order these products online. Expect to pay a little more than you would for styling appliances that you can purchase in retail stores if you choose professional salon use appliances.

Ultimately, mastering the hair styling styling tools can get you that fresh-from-the-salon look on a daily basis. All it takes is a little questioning, a little purchasing and a little practice and you are on your way to a great hair day, every day.

Sorority Recruitment: Style Dos and Don’ts

Each fall, thousands of women decide to go through sorority recruitment. Recruitment can be a grueling, stressful and exhausting time in a young woman’s life. However, knowing what style dos and don’ts to apply during the week’s activities will give you an advantage against others vying for their spot, or at least keep you cool in the fading summer’s heat.

Greek organizations offer leadership development and life-long friendships as well as authority on campus. We all know you want in, so get ready, get set, and get sassy! Dress to impress, ladies.

Style Dos for Sorority Recruitment

It’s important to know that sorority houses want you to dress up as you would for any other formal event, but they don’t want you to go over the top. Choose an outfit that flatters your figure, is comfortable and shows off your personality. And be sure to choose the right hairstyle for the occasion.

Comfort is esstential during recruitment since you will likely be standing for hours on end and/or walking from house to house in the middle of the day. Bring along a large purse and stash flip-flops inside to keep your feet blister-free. Purses are usually not allowed in house anyway, so none of the girl inside will know about your smart secret (and chances are, they did the same!”>.

A statement piece of jewelry will also help you to stand out and to start conversation. Always plan your outfits the night before, try them on and walk around to ensure your comfort. If you’re not comfortable, you won’t be at your best.

Ultimately, the best outfits are often the simplest with some statement accessories thrown in. The best look often is often the one with the least amount of effort, so stop worrying and get dressed!

Style Don’ts for Sorority Recruitment

While many sororities want girls who aren’t afraid to stand-up for their chapter and sisters, trying too hard is a big don’t. This means that dressing yourself in sorority clichés, especially before you are recruited in to any individual chapter, is a no-no.

Pearls, hair bows, a hair poof or red lipstick all are great style techniques, but a fashion don’t when done together. Decide what defines your personal style and rock that, instead. Sorority sisters will be able to determine who is genuine and who carries themselves most confidently in their own skin. Besides, if a particular house doesn’t like your style, you already know you wouldn’t be a good fit. One down!

Avoid wearing too much jewelry. Remember that during sorority recruitment, you will be shaking hands with many different sorority sisters. Too much clunky jewelry can be both uncomfortable and distracting.

Lastly, don’t wear overly provocative clothing since it can be distracting and may label you as someone a sorority just isn’t looking for. Particular chapters pride themselves on philanthropy and being positive and role model citizens. Provocative clothing, just as at a formal event, can often give the wrong impression from the get-go.

Quick Sorority Recruitment Tips

While accessories ultimately make an outfit, too many can be distracting and a turn-off. Choose one accessory that stands out, but isn’t too flashy.

For shoes, avoid uncomfortable heels since many recruitment activities require you to walk.

Most importantly, bring a purse that allows you to stock up on re-touching products. Some necessities for recruitment week include a mirror, oil-blotting papers (face it, we sweat when we’re nervous”>, deodorant, lip-gloss and mints.

Ultimately, staying true to one’s self is the most important accessory for a sorority recruitment outfit. Sorority houses pride themselves on finding women that are trendy and beautiful, but without much effort.

Short Hair Styles For Waves, Curls & Kinks

Because of its much-needed attention for styling, curly, kinky and wavy hair oftentimes can be hard to cut short. Ultimately, the type of cut depends on the thickness of the hair and the curl as well as a woman’s individual style. Fortunately, there are many flattering short hair styles to choose from. Here are some of our favorites!

Cropped Cut

Best for Kinky or Curly Locks


Just because you have curly hair doesn’t mean you can’t sport a cropped cut. Hair professionals suggest leaving at least three inches of length all over the hair, making sure it mimics the natural shape of the head.

Razor cuts should be avoided as they promote frizz and rough up the hair’s natural texture.

Sometimes those with kinky or curly hair will experience extra shrinkage or, even, less curl from a shorter cut. Having the hair cut while dry will help to avoid this, given that the curl pattern can be seen as the cut is made. Be sure to find a stylist in your area who has expertise in cutting curly or kinky hair. This can make all the difference.

Avoid cropped cuts if you have fine/thin hair since it will emphasize your lack of volume.

Layered Locks


Best for Thinner Wavy Tresses

Wavy hair may be the best type to cut with layers. Layered short hairstyles can be altered with length to fit the needs of each person. Layers prevent wavy hair from being flat on top and weighed down on the bottom. This allows for great volume at the roots of the hair and prevents thick ends that are oftentimes hard to style.

For those with thick curls, this cut may not be as flattering as it will create multiple layers of thick volume throughout the head, which may come across as over the top.

Long Bob

Long Bob

Best for Wavy or Kinky Hair

A long bob is great for wavy or kinky hair since it creates movement in the hair. This makes it easy to style as well as easier to maintain overtime. While this may seem like a dated short hairstyle (it became trendy in the 1920s”>, with angling on the ends, the look can be trendy and timeless for any curly-haired girl. If you’re looking for a dramatic new look, the log bob is perfect.

Graduated Hairstyle


Best for Wavy or Curly Spirals

This type of haircut allows hair to be layer gradually down the head, where the longest layers are closest to bottom of the head and the shortest ones toward the crown. Not only will this haircut provide body & volume to your hair, it will also look elegant and soft.

Graduated short hairstyles are great for those with unruly hair that’s hard to style. Cutting hair into a graduated cut will tame the locks and leave you with a fresh, sexy look. A variation of this haircut is called stacking. This is where the longest layers are kept near the front of the hair and short layers are cut increasingly until you get to the back of the head. This haircut is great for those who want face framing and volume.

Finding short hairstyles that are easy to style and maintain and that fit your texture, thickness and curl is important. Never let your wavy, curly or kinky locks get in the way of your style dreams, but do keep texture in mind. When you work with your hair, your hair works wonders for you.

Volumizing Hair Products for Limp Summer Hair

The summer’s heat & humidity is a burden for curly, wavy or kinky haired ladies. While picnics, beach time and barbecues are a treat for the warm weather, the damage the sun can do to your hair is a major downfall.

Preparing for the heat and humidity is the best way to prevent limp, lifeless hair. A variety of volumizing hair products can help create volume for the most limp curly, kinky or wavy hair in the summer.

Volumizing Hair Products for Curly Hair


Curlies should use a reconditioning shampoo such as Herbal Essences Hydralicious Reconditioning Shampoo while showing.

It’s important to never wash your hair more then a few times a week since this can weigh it down and strip it of its natural oils. A good leave-in conditioner will also hydrate and condition the hair so that it can be styled into a voluminous hairstyle.

While styling, try a styling cream such as Sunsilk Hydra TLC 24/7. This product will moisturize the hair and smooth the hair of frizz. For fine curls, use a small amount of crème, but for coarse ones, use the product liberally.

To set the hair and to prevent fly-aways, try a serum. We recommend John Frieda Frizz-Ease Hair Serum Thermal Protection Formula. It’s important to note that serums should be applied sparingly as they oftentimes can be very oily.

Volumizing Hair Products for Kinky Hair


Kinky hair is best known for its fine, fragile, tightly coiled hair. This type of hair tends to be wiry and dry. Because of its dryness, it needs extra hydration in order to be styled properly, especially in high heat. We recommend Curlicious Curls Cleansing Cream to be used several times a week. Because of the summer’s strong heat, kinky hair requires more conditioning, too. Try a conditioner such as Curl Ecstasy Hair Tea Conditioner.

When styling during the summer time, try a curl definer cream or curl definer with sheen, such as Curl Gel-les’c. These volumizing hair products will help the hair’s natural curl to be maintained and the hair to be vibrant and voluminous.

Lastly, apply a curl moisturizer such as Curls Milkshake prior to leaving the house each day.

Volumizing Hair Products for Wavy Hair


Wavy hair is just as difficult to manage as other textures, especially in the worst heat. The type of volumizing hair products used will depend on the thickness of your hair.

For thick, wavy hair, try a shampoo/conditioner combination specifically for curly hair. We recommend Nexxus Dualiste Color Protection & Volume Conditioner. These types of shampoos give wavy hair an extra lift.

Thinner wavy hair should opt for lighter products that won’t weight the hair down, causing the curl to fall out.

When styling wavy hair, a styling cream is best to control fly-aways Try a cream such as Sunsilk Styling Cream. For a more dramatic look, try Fekkai Summer Hair Beach Waves.

Because of its tendency to become dry, wavy hair can often look fuzzy. This makes using a styling cream or serum important. In order to prevent humidity’s pull on the hair, a sealing serum can be applied. We recommend Paul Mitchell’s Super Skinny Serum.

No matter one’s type of hair, whether curly, kinky or wavy, there are many volumizing hair products that can provide protection from the sun’s strong heat and the earth’s humidity. Preparing for this weather will keep your hair looking its best on even the hottest days.

Natural Hair Products That Cause Dry Scalp & Skin

Organic and natural hair products can be beneficial to your hair and scalp, but they can also contribute to its demise. Many commonly used ingredients in organic products may lead to dry skin or scalp. Learning which ingredients to avoid can help keep your hair looking its best.

What Causes Dry Skin & Scalp?

The Mayo Clinic reports that dry scalp can occur because of chemicals found in hair products that strip hair of its natural oils. Removing these natural oils can cause dry, itchy scalp and skin

Natural Ingredients That Cause Dry Skin & Scalp

Unfortunately not all organic and natural hair products are great for your hair. Research all products before using them in order to avoid problems resulting from the laundry list of ingredients found in shampoos or conditioners.

Just because organic shampoos are manufactured without synthetic chemicals doesn’t mean they are chemical-free, as they do sometimes contain plant chemicals. If you see fragrance in the list of ingredients on the back of the product, this means that synthetic chemicals have been added, and you may not be getting the natural hair product you’re expecting.

Natural Hair Products That Don’t Cause Irritation

Some organic shampoos such as Aubrey’s Organic Primrose and Lavender Scalp-Smoothing Shampoo cleanse the scalp with primrose oil. This oil provides the essential fatty acids needed in order to soothe the scalp and not dry it out. Other ingredients that won’t cause dry scalp include florals and lavender. Look for vitamins A, C or E in natural hair products also since these are natural preservatives that can help hydrate your scalp.

Savvy Skin claims that these natural ingredients can irritate your scalp:

  • Balm Mint
  • Eucalyptus
  • Grapefruit
  • Lemon
  • Lime
  • Menthol
  • Orange
  • Papaya
  • Peppermint
  • Petrochemicals (mineral oil”>
  • Rose
  • Sage
  • Thyme

Home Remedies For Dry Skin & Scalp

Organic, homemade shampoo recipes are often the best for dry scalp since they are non-toxic, and won’t damage the scalp any further. Most professional chemical dandruff treatments can burn your skin while removing buildup which can lead to future itch and redness on the scalp. When creating your own dandruff reducing recipes, be sure to use any of these oils and ingredients to help hydrate and reduce inflammation:

Willow Bark

Containing salycylic acid, an ingredient commonly found in dandruff shampoos, willow bark is an ingredient actually found in nature. It is also used in skin care products because of its pore-opening qualities—the same quality that opens the hair follicles and removes buildup on the scalp.

Analgesics Such As Peppermint Oil & Guava

In addition to its great fragrance, peppermint oil is also an analgesic which helps heal inflammation on the scalp. Just apply it directly to your scalp.

Guava is another analgesic that is also an antiseptic. Take a piece of guava, seed it and create a paste, apply it to the scalp and let it sit for an hour. Wash out the mixture with warm water.

Neem Oil

Neem oil may be the best natural remedy out there, and is readily found in the bark of many trees. Neem extract and/or oil will remove the itching feeling on the scalp and any redness as a result of the irritation. It can be applied directly to the scalp, and is also a great skin conditioner.

Final thoughts

While these are just some of the many at-home natural home remedies for dry scalp or skin, there are countless others that can help cure the irritation. Ultimately, knowing what ingredients to avoid when choosing organic and natural hair products is the first step to avoiding any dry scalp or skin issues in the future.

Get Wild With Bright Hair Streaks!

In today’s world, staying fresh and trendy is harder then ever. With constant trend changes, women and celebrities alike have to stay on top of their A game to look their best. One such new trend is bright hair streaks.

Celebrities such as Jordin Sparks, Lauren Conrad & Britney Spears are shocking the world with their brightly streaked hair. Here’s how you can too.

What Are Clip-In Streak Accessories?

Green, pink, purple or blue—clip-in hair streaks are available in any color imaginable. Clip-in streak accessories give you the ability to remove the color after your wild streak has died down. This easy-to-use option allows you to clip in the color rather than dying and damaging your locks.

How To Wear Bright StreaksWhether you use one piece in the front, or several throughout the head, bright hair streaks aren’t for the faint at heart.

Glamour Magazine calls bright hair streaks “funky, fun and lovely.” Bright hairstreaks are a fun way to express one’s self. Learning how to wear these streaks isn’t difficult. Ultimately, it depends on what look you want to achieve.

Some choose to clip the streak in down the middle of the head and wear a headband on top so that the clip is hidden. Others clip the bright streak of their choice in the bangs twisting the colors downward to the end of the hair.

For a more extreme look, try several clip-on pieces and place them throughout the hair (think highlights”>. Another easy way to not only hide the clip, but to create a random (yet trendy”> pop of color is to clip the hair into place and then style the hair into a braid, bun or updo. The random color displayed will be a hit!

Recommended Products:


  • Put On Pieces Clip-In Color Strips
  • Manic Panic Glam Strip


Permanent Hair Streaking Options

If temporary and removable wild hair streaks are too mundane, you can always opt for long-lasting dying options. First, decide what type of endurance you desire from your dye: permanent, semi-permanent (lasts a few weeks”>, demi-permanent (used mostly for those with gray in the hair”> or temporary.

It’s always important to consult a professional hair stylist to apply the color. Bright colors require bleaching, which can damage your hair. If done incorrectly, the hair can turn orange—and not the orange you were shooting for.

Also, remember that any color that may be on the hair already can stall the hair dying process, or even reject the color entirely. Certain prescription drugs can also alter the hair and create a tough surface to work on.

Ultimately, bright hair streaks allow women the choice to dare to be different for just one day —or for however long they please. The wide range of rainbow colors offers versatility and the ability to match (or intentionally mismatch”> with one’s outfit for the day. Whether in the office, at an event or simply on a shopping trip, bright hair streaks are sure to turn heads, raise eyebrows and drop jaws.

Come on curlies, dare to be different!

How to Get Perfect Legs for High Slit Dresses

Ladies, say goodbye to long, flowy A-line maxi dresses and plunging necklines and hello to jaw dropping, eyebrow raising, thigh-high slit dresses. Now that you’ve got your cool summer hairstyle, it’s time to try this summer’s latest fashion trend.

But there are prerequisites for showing those legs off, and they should be followed closely in order to obtain the sexiest look possible. Thigh-high slit dresses exude sex appeal, so here’s how to get those perfect legs to pull off this hot look!

Who’s Wearing These Daring Slit Dresses?

Celebrities such as Victoria Beckham, Angelina Jolie, Selena Gomez and Jennifer Aniston are showcasing their long, lean, perfect legs. Together with a pair of designer high heels, this summer 2011 trend is eye-catching. Fortunately, celebrities aren’t the only one who can pull off this stunning look.

Getting Perfect Legs for Your First Thigh-High Dress

This type of dress definitely isn’t a throw-on-and-go sort; a thigh-high slit dress demands preparation.

“This look is definitely not for the shy or reserved,” says Mike Sendogan, Clinical Director of LaserTouch Aesthetics in New York City. “If you plan on having all eyes down—on your legs that is—they should be smooth and unblemished.”

LaserTouch Aesthetics offers four ways to get perfect legs for your thigh-high slit dress debut.

Angelina Jolie
  1. ORGANIGLOW Organic Spray Tan Tanned legs accentuate the long line of a slit dress and glowing tanned skin is a great camouflage for veins, scars, dark spots or cellulite. This spray tan service is 100% organic and FDA-approved without odor, alcohol or parabens. The ORGANIGLOW Organic Spray Tan provides a natural-looking tan that develops over time.
  2. Laser Treatment for Spider veins While tanning our legs may hide our spider veins, some opt for a more permanent solution —laser treatment. Spider veins are veins that resemble a spider’s legs, with a center point and several lines stemming outward of that location. A laser treatment can heat the inside of the flawed vein and seal it shut; this will essentially banish the bulging appearance. Laser treatment can significantly improve the skin’s appearance, encouraging ladies everywhere to bare their perfect legs again.
  3. Skin Tightening with Laser Treatment As one ages, the skin becomes loose as it loses its elasticity. Laser skin tightening can tighten old, loose skin so that it appears youthful again. Laser skin tightening treatment changed since the early 1990’s and the new, non-ablative technology allows the skin to be tightened to a greater degree resulting in a more youthful result.
  4. Laser Hair Removal Sick of razor bumps, ingrown hairs, painful waxing sessions and constant time spent shaving? Laser hair removal is a non-invasive method to remove unwanted hair permanently.

    “The legs and bikini area are two of the most common areas for laser hair removal,” said Sendogan. “The bikini area is extremely sensitive, and shaving this area usually results in a painful, unattractive rash.”

Choosing a Thigh-High Slit Dress

After one’s legs are prepped, choosing the perfect thigh-high dress for one’s body type is just as important as the preparation that goes into wearing it. The best thing about this dress cut is that there are endless variations, so finding a style and/or print that matches one’s individual style is simple.

Designers do recommend, however, that more petite frames should shy away from the style as it has the tendency to make them look podgy.

Getting perfect legs for this season’s sexy thigh-high slit dress is the first step to a jaw dropping result. You go girl!

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