Q: I am writing for hair advice for my daughter who is almost 3 years old. She has curly hair (almost ringlets!”> on the underneath part of her hair. But the top part is basically straight (sometimes it gets a wave in the humidity”>. I have thick, straight hair and I have NO idea what to do with her hair! I have tried getting it cut into layers, but it really ends up making the front part of her hair look silly. She has had bangs, with the straight sides, but again . . . kind of silly looking. As her hair continues to grow, it is getting thicker — but currently it is very soft and very rarely frizzy. She would have the most beautiful head of curls if only they were all over! As of right now I have decided to just let her hair grow (including her bangs”> to maybe get an all-one-length look that is a bit on the longer side, if possible. In this growing process, I am putting her hair into either one small ponytail of straight hair or in two pigtails. But sometimes she just likes it down.
Cozy: It is actually much more common than you think for a toddler or baby to have a combination of hair types. Eventually, her hair should even out, but in the meantime, you need to work with what you have! I think it is a good idea to grow out the bangs but I encourage you to reconsider some long layers. If you are trying to encourage a wave or curl, relieving some of the weight of the hair by using long layers may help. You are right to find styles like ponies and pigtails in the interim. Good luck!
Q:: I wonder what I can do for my daughter and would love some advice. She is almost 3, and has the most gorgeous wavy hair. People ask me if I curl it. All I do is wash it (maybe 3 times a week”>, condition and rinse and use a pick to comb through. On no-wash days, it is shiny, blond, beautiful, and just past her shoulders. She has never had a haircut or trim. I have always just used baby shampoo and conditioner. Are there better products to use that won’t sting her eyes? Would it be better if I didn’t shampoo her at all? What conditioner wash would be best for such a small child?
Cozy: You are you lucky! Your daughter’s hair sounds amazing! If your daily and weekly regimen is working so well, I wouldn’t change much. If you are looking for a conditioner for her, I think it is important to use a product that is formulated specifically for children that is enriched with vitamins, minerals and herbal extracts. Just as important as what’s in the formulation, consider what is not in the formulation. Look for formulations that are paraben-free. I recommend our Sweet Strawberry Conditioner because it is contains 11 herbal extracts, including Sweet Almond Oil and Vitamins A & E., and is paraben-free. I do recommend a trim for your daughter, even if you want to keep her hair long. Removing the damaged ends will keep hair looking healthy and will help her hair grow.
Q: If anybody is seeking the early Lucille Ball hairstyle, my 4-year-old can show you how. Apparently, you grab a bunch of 3b curls in the front of your head. Then, using highly specialized preschool safety scissors, jaggedly cut off all but an inch of hair. Pull remainder of hair into a panicked ponytail while stifling any curse words — and voila!!! “I Love Lucy”!!!?
Seriously, my daughter needs a haircut. Her hair is 3b, Lucy on top, just past shoulder in back. I’m just wanting to make the ends fall evenly. I can’t even deal with the top craziness right now. Her ends are uneven and kind of fall out and away from her back. The best way to describe it is the way curly hair looks if you’re wearing a big around-the-headband and the hair doesn’t lay on the neck because of it. Nobody has done her curls justice anyway, as far as cuts go. I could take her to my stylist, and ruin the two hours of relaxation. I’ve got hair scissors and no experience! Dangerous combo.
Cozy: Oh no! Try to resist the urge to cut it yourself and take her to a professional! It sounds like she has some real specific challenges, and you would be best off with a visit to a professional!
Q: Do you have any recommendations for what I can use on a 4-month-old baby with extremely dry scalp and skin? He is constantly scratching his poor head
Cozy: When in doubt, it’s best to have a doctor take a look to rule out any real skin concerns. I think this is especially important since you mention scalp and skin.
Q: My 7-year-old daughter has a birthday coming up and asked me to straighten her hair for her party. I know she’s just wanting a different look for her curls, and she’s never asked before so I’m inclined to do it. But I have no idea how best to do it? What products should I use? What type of brush? Do I use a flat iron on her? Will it damage her hair? Her hair is mid-back and medium/fine curls.
Cozy: It’s natural for your daughter to want to try a new look, especially at age seven. I call this the “Barbie” syndrome. It usually happens right around this age. I think it’s wonderful for you to help her and to seek out information on the best way to go about this. I wouldn’t use a flat iron. it can be very damaging to hair. For smooth straight hair, evenly apply So Cozy Kooky Kiwi Styling Cream to her damp hair prior to blow drying. For best results, section her hair and work section by section. You can use a paddle brush or a big round brush for a little more volume.
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