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It is a common misconception that wavy hair does not need as much as our curly and coily friends.
All hair needs moisture. And though some texture types may need more than others, it is a common misconception that wavy hair does not need as much as our curly and coily friends.
Image Source: @maybeitswavybaby
There are several reasons why type 2 wavy hair may need just as much moisture as other texture types–if you have been suffering from meh hair days that include excess frizz, rough and brittle-feeling hair, a lack of proper moisture may be why.
A lack of moisture is also one of the top causes of frizz, which is one of the main concerns we hear about from wavy community members. Here are some reasons why your wavy hair needs extra moisture and what you can do to help.
Reason 1: You chemically alter your hair
Image Source: @__le_joli_cocoon__
Color-treating, relaxing, ‘softening,’ or anything that involves a chemical altering your textured hair structure will open up the cuticles and cause damage, even in the best of practices. If your hair has ever been dyed, lightened, or had a chemical treatment, then it is important to take extra care to moisturize it.
The Solution: deep treat, frequently
If you do not want to stop chemical processing altogether, help counter the negative effects of dryness by using a deep treatment on a regular basis. Add heat to it to help your treatment penetrate even deeper. A personal favorite of mine that not only offers moisture, but also protein to help repair the hair is Briogeo Don’t Despair, Repair Hair Mask. Depending on how dry and damaged your hair feels, your waves can benefit from a deep treatment like this anywhere from once a week to once a month.
Reason 2: You spend a lot of time in the sun
Image Source: @ankedianamodel
Sure, sunshine feels amazing, and we all need our dose of vitamin D. But the harsh rays can cause your hair to become weak, dry, and brittle, from the cuticle and even down to the cortex (middle of the hair strand), sucking the moisture right out of your waves.
The Solution: Cover up (or use UV protection)
Image Source: @kristina.hensen
Wearing a hat or a cute headscarf is the best way to completely protect your hair from sun exposure. You can also use a product with UV protection before going outside—think of it like sunscreen for your hair. Spray on a product like Moroccanoil Protect & Prevent Spray, which provides 24-hour protection against damaging UV rays. Additionally, it fights humidity and leaves waves looking shiny without feeling weighed down.
Reason 3: The ingredients in your hair products are drying
Image Source: @vialabsau
Some hair products contain harsh ingredients such as sulfates and drying alcohols. Over time, your consistent use of these ingredients can deplete the hair of moisture.
The Solution: Evaluate your product stash and consider switching
Two of the biggest culprits for wavy hair are Isopropyl Alcohol and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. Swap them out for similar products free of these ingredients, and notice if your hair starts feeling more moisturized. If you are stumped on where to look, check out 6 Best Alcohol-Free Gels for Wavy Curly Hair, where you can search for specific sulfate—and alcohol-free products among a bunch of different options.
Reason 4: You use too many heat tools
Image Source: @julissa_guillen
The flat iron, the curling wand, and even the blow dryer are all culprits. It is best to air dry whenever possible, but if you are in a rush and do not have hours to wait, or if it is too cold outside for wet hair, blow drying, and diffusing might be the only option. Still, there is a way to do it with less damage.
The solution: Use heat protection
A good heat-protecting spray or cream should be applied before turning on any heat appliance with the hair. An excellent choice is Bumble and Bumble Heat Shield Thermal Protection Hair Mist, which prevents damage and dryness as well as conditions, reduces frizz, and improves elasticity.
To sum it up
Every single head of hair is different, and yes, even in the wavy category. Some of us may find that our texture feels weighed down easily with some styling products, although this does not mean our hair is not thirsty or craving moisture. Start by playing around with the amount of product you apply, and if you do feel your hair gets weighed down easily, err on the side of ‘less is more’ approach and go from there.
Which moisturizing products do your waves love right now?
Looking for more wavy hair content? Read: How to Wash & Style Your Wavy Hair – For Gorgeous Defined Waves.
Truth be told, up until recently I myself have even been confused about hair porosity…
What is it? Do I really need to know about it? It turns out that knowing about it can be beneficial for a few reasons. Once you know your hair porosity and use products that cater to it, it can make a lovely difference in how your hair will turn out after styling. I am here to help teach you how to do a porosity test so you can determine yours at home!
Porosity has to do with how the cuticles of your hair strands lie.
Image Source: @afsennah
There are three levels of porosity. It is a good idea to test several hairs from all around your head because it is common to have several porosity types.
- Low porosity cuticles like pretty flat. moisture has a hard time getting in and out
- The medium-porosity cuticles are open a little more, but they are still good. They are practically perfect for allowing moisture to get in and out with ease.
- High Porosity cuticles are very open, and can make the hair feel rough and jagged. Moisture goes in and out continuously.
The Strand Test:
- Collect several strands of hair from all around the head. It is not uncommon for some people to have multiple hair porosities.
- Run the fingers down the strand of hair. You should be able to tell which end of the hair strand is from the root because there will be a small little bulb attached to it, this is the hair follicle.
- The strand should feel pretty smooth without many dents or bumps. This means your hair is low porosity. If it does feel pretty bumpy, it means you have higher porosity.
- If you run your hand down the strand the opposite way (from end to root instead of root to end) and it feels and sounds squeaky, this means you have low porosity. No squeakiness would be you have medium to high porosity.
- It is also not uncommon for the ends of the hair to feel more bumpy and be higher porosity than hair closer to the scalp since the ends of the hair are older and likely have suffered more mechanical and chemical damage.
The Water Test
- Fill a glass (preferably clear/through) with water
- Dunk a strand of hair in the water
- If the hair stays on top and doesn’t sink, then you have low porosity hair.
- If the hair sinks within a minute, then you have high porosity hair.
- If your hair does not sink or only sinks a little bit, this could mean you have normal porosity hair.
Low, Normal, High
Low Porosity
Image Source: @hairbyreema
Low-porosity hair is usually resistant to heat and color styling. This type of porosity has difficulty absorbing moisture into the hair strands. Conditioner usually will just lay on top of the strands and not absorb. You can use steam or heat with your conditioner to help the moisture penetrate better. Low-porosity hair also does not like a lot of protein-rich products. Focusing on moisture treatments with heat will held yield the best results for this type. If your hair takes longer to air dry it is probably low porosity.
MORE: Top 15 Products for Low Porosity Hair
Normal Porosity
Image Source: @saltrimmedwavy
Normal porosity hair usually does okay with some protein treatments but in moderation. A good balance of moisture and protein treatments is ideal. It is often said this porosity is the easiest to style and maintain. Normal porosity hair takes less time to air dry.
High Porosity
Image Source: @hairbyreema
High porosity hair can tend to be damaged and hair a lot of holes and gaps in the hair. High porosity is often color treated, highlighted or chemically altered (think relaxers, straighteners, etc”> This type of porosity can really benefit from frequent protein treatments to help repair the hair. If you have high porosity hair, it is also important to incorporate moisture treatments too but you must make sure to seal in the moisture with oils or butter or the moisture can escape, resulting in hair that will feel hard or brittle. High porosity hair can take even less time to air dry because moisture can escape your hair quicker.
MORE: Top 15 Products for High Porosity Hair
To sum it up…
Regardless of what the porosity of your hair is, I am a firm believe that deep treatments are one of the best things you can possibly do for the health and appearance of your hair. But knowing your specific porosity will help you find once that will work it’s best for you.
Being high porosity myself, probably due to the fact my hair is color-treated, I really appreciate the hair product section and the icons that tell me what brands of deep treatments contain protein, which helps repair and mend my strands.
Heat and curls do not make a good pair. Flat ironing, curling wands, and excessive blow drying can permanently damage hair. Straightening curly hair may be a fun change, but it has side effects. In this article, I will discuss what straightening does to curly hair, how heat affects the hair strands, and how to protect your hair from heat.
What Causes Heat Damage
Image Source: @daphnee.alexandria
Several different things can cause heat damage to hair. These include using tools with a temperature that is way too high, using heat too often on the hair, holding heat on the same section of hair for too long, and failing to apply a heat protector beforehand.
According to Rolanda Johnson Wilkerson, Ph.D., a senior beauty scientist for Procter & Gamble, “When you add too much heat to your hair, you are completely breaking hair bonds the same way you would as if you were chemically relaxing your hair, and the bonds can’t be reformed again.” Though occasional use shouldn’t cause severe damage when protective caution is in use, consistent heat abuse can destroy natural curl patterns and even lead to severe breakage by ruining the structure of hair bonds.
JC, who has a BSc and PhD in Material Science, writes on her blog, The Natural Haven, that “High heat makes physical and irreversible changes to your hair at a molecular level. High or prolonged heat can physically and irreversibly change the natural structure of protein.”
Image Source: @wondercurlceo
She further writes, “Hair is made up of a protein called keratin. Keratin in hair has a natural twist in it called an alpha helix. This twist is present in all hair — straight or curly. If you heat keratin to around 419°-455° F, the alpha helix starts to melt. This is a physical change and it is irreversible. Your hair will retain the shape of the melted keratin at a molecular level.”
“Your hair shows you this molecular damage by not getting back into its natural curl or wave and staying straighter. All damage to your hair is cumulative. Remember you have no growing cells in the dead part of the hair. So if the cuticle is broken, it will stay broken. If you heat treat and damage the cortex, it stays damaged. Your hair conditioner and gentle treatment can help prolong the life of the damaged hair but ultimately it is damaged and the damage will continue to progress,” she writes.
How to Protect Your Hair from Heat
Image Source: @afrithreaders
Here are some tips to protect your hair — as much as possible — if you absolutely must use heat:
– Do not let any tools get hotter than 400 degrees.
– Always apply a thermal protector before using heat to help reduce the risk of damage. Three favorites are Briogeo Farewell Frizz Blow Dry Cream Heat Protectant for Hair, Living Proof Restore Perfecting Spray, and Mielle Mongongo Oil Thermal & Heat Protectant Spray.
– Use an intense protein treatment the next wash to help mend any tears, splits, and cracks to the hair cuticle. Be sure to follow up the protein treatment with moisture. Two suggestions for protein treatments are Aphogee Two-Step Protein Treatment and OUIDAD Advanced Climate Control Frizz-Fighting Hydrating Mask.
– Moisturize! Since heat depletes the hair of all moisture, you want to add that moisture back in. Deep conditioning is a must. Jessicurl Deep Conditioning Treatment is super moisturizing and nourishing for parched hair.
Overall, any heat applied to the hair will cause a bit of damage, but excessive heat use will permanently damage the hair and ruin the curl pattern. It’s up to each curly to decide how much risk she is willing to take.
Why co-wash instead of shampoo?
Image Source: @angelinanicolle
Co-washing or “conditioner washing” is washing your hair with a conditioner or specialty-formulated product called a “co-wash/cleansing conditioner” as opposed to using a regular shampoo. For those with any kind of texture, co-washing is usually a safer option because it cleanses our hair yet keeps it hydrated. The main benefit of co-washing our hair versus regular shampoo is by co-washing, we are not stripping our hair of natural oils, which dries out the hair, leading to excess frizz and unmanageability.
How often should you co-wash your hair?
Image Source: @thatcurlblog
How often should you co-wash your hair is a matter of preference. Some prefer co-washing every single wash and don’t touch shampoo at all; others will co-wash once a week and alternate the next week using regular shampoo. Some may only use regular shampoo once a month. It really depends on your own hair’s specific needs. I usually wash my hair twice a week, co-washing the first wash and using a sulfate-free regular shampoo the other.
The benefits of co-washing wavy hair
If I ever do wash my hair more than twice a week, I always reach for the co-wash for the additional washes. My reason for using a regular shampoo for one wash is I pile and pile products on my hair all week, even the days I don’t wash and I just like that extra clean feeling from the shampoo. Again, it is a matter of preference.
Better hydration, more defined waves and curls
Co-washing allows wavy and curly hair, which is usually dry by nature, to obtain better hydration, which leads to better curl definition, less frizz, and more shine. If you color your hair, co-washing can also help maintain it, keeping it fresh and vibrant, whereas too frequent regular shampooing can strip the color and cause it to fade very quickly.
How to co-wash curly-wavy hair
- Double wash: I like to cleanse and repeat as I feel the first cleanse removes dirt, toxins, and pollution from my hair, and the second helps to hydrate.
- Add water – I also like to add a few additional splashes of water. Co-washes do not lather, and they are not supposed to due to their lack of sulfates, but adding additional water helps to spread the product through the hair and get your hair clean.
- Detangle to distribute – I can easily detangle my hair with my fingers in the shower while co-washing. You can also use a wide tooth comb to detangle. Doing so helps spread the co-wash through your hair evenly.
Focus equally on the scalp and length
When co-washing, make sure to use enough product. Now is not the time to scrimp. As opposed to regular shampoo where you want to concentrate on the scalp as to not dry out the lengths, it is okay to co-wash your scalp and your hair–it will cleanse and condition in one. Some curly wavies, especially those with finer hair that gets weighed down easily, may be able to co-wash and skip conditioner afterwards depending on how hair feels.
You want to make sure to really spend a few minutes thoroughly massaging the co-wash on the scalp, as the friction of your finger pads (don’t use your nails–it can scratch your scalp and/or lead to hair breakage) is helping to loosen any dirt and oil to really get your head clean.
The best co-washes for wavy-curly hair
1. Briogeo Curl Charisma Rice Amino + Shea Hydrating Co-Wash
Aside from that delicious, fresh Briogeo scent, this co-wash is fortified with shea butter, avocado oil, quinoa extracts and aloe with hydrate, enhances manageability, soothes plus cleanses the hair all in one. It’s creamy, nourishing and cleanses without stripping.
2. Nubian Heritage Indian Hemp Co-Wash
This is super affordable and insanely moisturizing. I really like this one because of ingredients like garlic and bamboo which helps hair growth and tamanu oil which keeps hair hydrated.
3. As I Am Coconut CoWash Cleansing Conditioner
This is the NaturallyCurly community’s Best of the Best award-winning co-wash for all hair types and has been a crowd favorite for years. It achieves a balance between cleansing and moisturizing, and works well as a detangler too.
This won the NaturallyCurly Best of the Best Award for Best Conditioner Co-Wash/Cleansing Conditioner for Type 2 hair in 2021 and 2023.
Oh, that dreaded hair dent.
Whether your ponytail, sleeping weirdly, hat, or incorrect product application caused it, the unsightly, unwanted hair dent is a major issue that disturbs our curl pattern. The easiest (and perhaps most obvious) way to get rid of them might be by re-washing and re-styling our hair while it is wet, but we do not always want to put that time and effort in, especially if we have recently washed our hair. The good news is that a few products and tricks can help prevent and fix hair dents.
EZBASICS Hair Steamer 2 in 1
The portable hair steamer works like magic. It makes post-work-out ponytail dents disappear, and pairing it with a product like U R Curly Sili-Free Hair Serum helps it better eliminate frizz. First, I spray my hair, and then once I fill the reservoir with filtered water, I aim the tool at the dent, pull the trigger, and allow the steam to work. Then, I will usually finger coil–or gently rake–the section with my fingers while the steam is hitting it to make the dent go bye-bye.
Image Source: @filipinahairsis
99% of the time, you will see one of these on my wrist, and the 1% is because it is holding my hair back. In my honest opinion, these are the best hair ties a curly can buy–they are shaped like an old telephone wire to hold hair back without kinking or denting it. They also do not cause tension headaches that some curlies experience when tying their hair back with an elastic. If you are not using these and often get ponytail dents, try this one out and see if you notice a difference.
Use a refresher spray
Sometimes, a refresher spray will revive droopy curls and finely remove a dent. Spray your hair thoroughly, re-scrunching the hair to bring back to its original shape. If scrunching is not working, do a quick two-strand twist or pin curl. Please leave them in for up to 10 minutes before taking them down. My favorite refresher sprays are OBIA Naturals Curl Hydration Spray, Alikay Naturals Wake Me Up Daily Curl Refresher, and Design Essentials Coconut & Monoi Coconut Water Curl Refresher.
A satin-lined cap
Image Source: @graceeleyae
If you’ve been wearing hats all Winter to stay warm but see a “hat dent” when you take them off, don’t despair because there is still hope. I like the SLAP from Grace Eleyae because it keeps me warm without disrupting my curl definition—some curlies even like to sleep in these to preserve their curls.
Don’t tie your hair back when it’s wet
Image Source:
Our hair is most manipulative when wet so this is a surefire way to add a dent in the hair because it will dry around the ponytail holder. If you can help it, wait until your hair is dry; if you must get your wet hair off your face, I suggest clipping it back in a ‘cinnamon bun.’ The hair will still dry, but instead, it should take the shape of softer waves instead of curls with a dent in the middle.
How do you avoid a ponytail dent?
Leave your secret in the comment section below.
Mousse is a versatile styling product. Because mousses aren’t heavy, those who have fine hair that gets weighed down love to apply it to wet hair to enhance their curls and waves. Dryer and thicker curlies like myself like to layer mousse under gel on wet hair to help define our looser patterns. Mousses are also an excellent option to revive curl definition and fight frizz on days’-old hair without adding in too much product. Here are 10 excellent mousse choices for wavy and curly hair.
*Please note that not every product on this list is no-poo or CG method approved as not all curlies follow the Curly Girl Method. If you do follow this method strictly, check ingredient labels before buying.
1. Shea Moisture Coconut and Hibiscus Frizz Free Curl Mousse
This multi-award-winning mousse is perfect for all types of texture to enhance curl and wave pattern while moisturizing the hair and combatting frizz. Coconut oil hydrates and protects hair while reducing breakage. Silk protein smoothes the hair for a soft, silky feel. Neem oil controls frizz while adding brilliant shine.
2. Herbal Essences Totally Twisted Curl Boosting Mousse
Fans of this much-loved product appreciate that it does not dry crunchy, and they like its mixed-berry scent. The paraben- and silicone-free mousse boosts curl patterns, even in humid and damp climates.
This won the Best of the Best award for Best Mousse for Wavy Type 2 Hair voted by the NaturallyCurly community.
3. Not Your Mother’s Curl Talk Curl Activating Mousse
Wavies love using this mousse to fight frizz and encourage their curls to clump. For best results, use this in addition to a little bit of your favorite gel. People with a looser curl pattern also like that this mousse encourages curl formation.
This won the Best of the Best award for Best Mousse for Curly Type 3 Hair voted by the NaturallyCurly community.
4. The Doux Mousse Def Texture Foam
Curlies love that this mousse both smoothes and holds a curl for extra control over your curls, especially in high humidity. It works well for wash and goes and twist outs, and we’ve seen curlies rave about this product across a wide range of curl patterns.
This won Best of the Best awards for Best Mousse for Coily Type 4 Hair and for All Hair Types voted by the NaturallyCurly community.
5. Original Moxie Pop Life Volumizing Mousse
This silicone-free, multi-action mousse moisturizes, strengthens and volumizes in one step. Antioxidants rejuvenate fine hair, and bamboo extract adds shine and strength to delicate, fine strands. This mousse helps to bring out natural texture and to minimize frizz.
6. Raw Curls Organic Mousse/Styling Foam
Say hello to soft, shiny curls. This lightweight foam gives tons of body and volume, which is great for those looking to enhance their waves. With plant-based UV protection and cell-rejuvenating, antioxidant ingredients, your hair will stay vibrant and healthy, while looking its best.
7. Design Essentials Natural Curl Enhancing Mousse
This Editor’s Choice winner has a unique formula with a soft-pliable hold. It dries quickly and reduces frizz while providing a gorgeous, natural sheen. It helps to define curls without weighing down fine hair.
8. Eden Bodyworks Citrus Fusion Styling Mousse
Packed with botanicals including lime, orange, and acai, this lightweight foam has soft hold and is ideal for wash and gos or setting hair in styles. It nourishes, adds shines and keeps hair in place.
9. AG Cloud Air Light Volumizing Mousse
Another botanical-filled product, Cloud is a lightweight formula that delivers body and manageability to all hair types. Volume and texure come from natural corn starch, tilia tomentosa bud extract, and sugar cane extract, while sweet almond, linseed, olive leaf and arnica extracts detangle, protect against heat, enhance shine, and help prevent frizz.
10. OGX Locking and Coconut Curls Decadent Creamy Mousse
With coconut oil and shea butter, this creamy mousse-cream hybrid enhances curl definition and fights frizz while leaving hair soft and moisturized. It smells great, too!
We hope you try some of our recommendations and let us know what you think about them in the comments area below.
And if you’re looking for alcohol-free gels, check out this article!
Looking for your next Holy Grail product? Check out the Winners Of The NaturallyCurly Best Of The Best Awards 2023
This article has been updated with new products and links.

Hormones can change your hair texture! As we go through different life stages, such as puberty, pregnancy or menopause, some women see changes in the amount of curliness their hair displays. We have been unable, however, to source scientific studies that explain how or why hormones change curl pattern. It appears little research has been done on this topic. We only know, anecdotally, that hormones do change curl pattern. And we also know that there’s nothing we can do about these hormonal changes. Well, if you suspect oral contraceptives are altering your hormones, and therefore your curl pattern, you can choose to stop taking them.Heat damage
Excess heat damage can kill curl pattern. If you blow dry with or without a diffuser or constantly flat iron your hair, over time your curls will suffer. This can be fixed in one of three ways:Lay off the heat
Do a search on NaturallyCurly for “ styles without heat” and you will find plenty of ideas for beautiful wavy and curly styles that don’t require heat. If you really want your curl pattern to revive, stop using heat and stay far, far away. This will make a huge difference in getting your curl pattern back and allowing your hair to recover.Deep condition like crazy
Babying your hair after heat damage will help the curl pattern come back and help the hair become healthier overall. Unless you are protein-sensitive, a combination of protein and moisture is ideal. Briogeo Don’t Despair, Repair Masque and Curls Blueberry Bliss Mask are two of my favorites.Trim off the excessive damage
I will discuss haircuts in detail a little later on. But, for starters, trimming off ends that are excessively damaged by heat is a good way to improve the overall appearance of your hair.Environmental Damage
Where you live can affect your curls! If you live in an area with hard water, you may find your curls are acting frizzier than usual, causing the curl pattern to not be as defined as it can be. Hard water can cause build up on the hair which can affect the hair’s health overall. One solution is to install a shower filter to purify the water. Another is to use a clarifying shampoo, such as Briogeo Scalp Revival, on a regular basis. If you are in the sun a lot, UV damage can cause your hair to become dry and brittle. To fix this, before going outside in the sun, don a hat or use a product with UV protection, such as Living Proof Restore Perfecting Spray. Windy areas can cause curls to tangle, get knotty and dry out as well. If you don’t have a hat or scarf to wrap around your hair while out, carry a travel-size refreshing spray to instantly detangle and feed moisture back to your hair right away so the curl pattern can revive. The Witch I Love Your Hair Magic Mist is a favorite of mine thanks to all of the incredible essential oils inside.Technique
There are countless techniques for applying products to curl hair. No technique is wrong or right; it really depends on your hair type and the end goal you are looking to achieve. If your curl pattern is not as defined or bouncy as you want it to be, you may reconsider how you are applying your products after the shower to see if a different techniques does a better job of enhancing your curls. For example, some wavies find that raking or combing fingers through the hair to style is an absolute no. This separates the curls, ruins clumps and sometimes leave hair stringy. Smoothing products and scrunching can lead to better-defined curls. Others have embraced the Skip Curl method or the finger-coil method. Also, more often than not I see other curlies say they have to apply products to soaking wet hair after the shower for optimal results, and I agree.Products
Paying attention to ingredients is so critical for optimal hair days. Again, everyone’s hair reacts differently to ingredients so trial and error and seeing what works best for your hair is important. Following Lorraine Massey’s Curly Girl Method and avoiding products with sulfates, silicones and parabens have made a huge impact in my own hair and that of many of my curly friends. The longer we go on the “CG Method,” the more consistent and defined our curls have become. Something else to consider with products is the weight. If you have very fine hair that gets weighed down easily and you are using a product with butters and oils, this may be too much for your hair and can weigh it down, causing the curl pattern to stretch. Consider switching to lighter lotions and mousses.Haircut
How often one needs to get their hair cut is also a very individual thing and usually ranges from 6 weeks to up to a year, if your hair is really healthy. If you are applying your favorite products in the same technique as usual and notice your results are not as nice as usual, you might need a haircut. Even a small trim or dusting can make a big difference in putting bounce back into your curls if they’ve been droopy.Chemical Damage
Relaxers and softeners will stretch out the curl pattern on purpose. This can’t be undone and these permanent relaxers must be grown out in order to get your natural curl pattern back. Coloring curls can also cause chemical damage. Like relaxers, hair dye will affect the structural integrity of the hair. If coloring is not done properly, curls can be damaged and hair can even break off. I strongly suggest if you really want to get your curls colored, see a professional, make sure they use a bond multiplier such as Olaplex and understand that even in the best of practices, permanent haircolor may still change curl pattern. Be sure to deep condition and treat colored curls very well since they are extremely fragile. I hope this article helped provide some solutions for when curly hair loses its curl. If you have any additional tips, please leave them in the comments section below.
MoMo Productions | Getty Images
Besides dryness, one of the biggest challenges for long wavy-curly curls are managing knots. The longer your hair gets, the more difficult it becomes to detangle. Tangled hair often leads to breakage, split ends and frizz. Here’s how to prevent massive tangles from happening.
How to prevent tangles in naturally wavy hair
1. First, make sure your hair is wet and has been deep conditioned.
Detangling long hair while it is can lead to excessive breakage. Wet hair strands are weaker and, if manipulated improperly, can run the risk of more damage. Deep conditioning is an important first step to protecting your hair health while detangling. Since long hair is also much older hair, the ends can be extremely fragile.2. Next, coat each section of hair with a daily conditioner, not a leave-in.
Coat your waves and curls with a daily conditioner instead of a leave-in for added moisture and slip. Then, divide your hair into sections and focus on detangling each at a time. Turn off the shower head to conserve water, as this may take some time to complete.3. Then, start detangling from the bottom, up.
Start at the bottom of your long hair, holding onto about an inch or so. Gently rake through until the whole section is properly detangled and then move on to the next section. It doesn’t hurt to detangle during the pre-poo stage but for more detailed detangling it might be easier to wait till you have reached the deep conditioning stage.
What should you use to detangle wavy hair?
Choosing what you detangle your hair with is almost as important as how to detangle.The Tangle Teezer
This is a brush so unique, it actually holds 29 patents! While there are a lot of knockoffs out there, there is none like the original. It helps detangle long wavy and curly hair with no pulling, yanking or tugging and reduces precious minutes off detangling time.A wide-tooth comb (with no ridges)
Some wide-tooth combs are a bit more money but pay for the quality. For long waves and curls, find one that contains no plastic pieces or unnecessary ridges which your hair can get caught or stuck on.Your fingers
Good news–this tool is free. You can feel every knot and tangle with your own fingers so you can undo them gently. Make sure your nails are filed because you don’t want hair strands snagging on one then ripping. Check out: 4 Steps to Finger Detangle FasterWhat if you’re losing a lot of hair while detangling?
If you are a long-haired curly-wavy girl, you probably don’t wash your hair every single day. Remember this when it seems like you are losing a crazy amount of hair each time but here is the thing. The average person naturally sheds about 100 hairs a day and that is normal. Because you don’t comb or brush your hair when it is dry, detangling releases days worth of shed hair. Combine that with the fact that since your hair is long, it may appear as if you are losing more hair than you really are.Co-washing may be a curly girl’s best friend, but clarifying shampoo should at least become an acquaintance! Even if you use ‘clean’ hair products, there are still benefits to clarifying every once in awhile.
You definitely do not want to over-clarify your hair, as doing so may dry your hair out. However, using a good clarifying shampoo at least once a month, or whenever you feel it is needed, will help in keeping your hair shiny, bouncy and defined as well as keep your scalp free of buildup, excess oil, and environmental toxins. At the same time it stays healthy, and optimal for hair growth. A clarifying shampoo thoroughly cleanses the hair, so the beneficial moisturizing and strengthening ingredients from treatments to follow can penetrate even better.
The frequency with which you clarify is really a personalized thing. Personally, since I’ve been trying to avoid non-water soluble silicone products lately, I’ve been using one once monthly, and I like to pair it with an intense deep treatment (usually Ouidad Deep Treatment Curl Restoration Therapy“> since freshly clarified hair will get the most of treatments to follow.

If you have been struggling with your curls looking limp, undefined, weighed down, and you are just unable to get great hair days even using your usual regimen, a clarifying shampoo may be the solution to that problem.
There are clarifying shampoos out today that have come such a long way from the ones of years past that were full of sulfates and would strip the hair of all essential moisture, leaving hair dry and brittle in the process. All of the clarifying shampoos I mention are sulfate-free!
Four favorite clarifying shampoos:
Ouidad Water Works Clarifying Shampoo
This has been the main clarifying shampoo I’ve gone to for the best few years. Aside from smelling like a delicious fruit smoothie, it thorough cleans and moisturizes my curls. I like that all the superfruits inside such as acai, blueberry, and pomegranate provide my hair with antioxidants to help fight free radicals and environmental aggressors that hit my hair daily from living in a high polluted area.
DevaCurl Buildup Buster
Buildup Buster has impressed me since my first try! It is the first hair product to use popular skin care ingredient, micellar water, to cleanse the hair thoroughly without stripping. This cleansing serum is also infused with abyssinian seed oil and jojoba for additional moisture and shine. Whenever I use this, I notice my curl definition is defined to the next level; my hair overall feels significantly lighter on top of my head.
Inahsi Naturals Soothing Mint Sulfate Free Clarifying Shampoo
This shampoo smells like incredible like mint-chocolate candy, but the ingredients are all-natural! Aside from the excellent clarifying cleanse and sulfate-free lather, ingredients such as peppermint oil, nettle and horsetail extract, lavender oil, and rosemary help promote healthy hair growth which I am all about!
SheaMoisture Jamaican Black Castor Oil Strengthen, Grow & Restore Shampoo
This is great to remove any product buildup. The apple cider vinegar inside helps provide additional shine while Castor Oil promotes growth and Shea Butter helps keep hair so soft.
These are my favorites, what are yours?
Let us know in the comment section below.
Why is moisturizing such a buzz word when it comes to natural hair? Regularly adding moisture to your hair will help it feel softer, become easier to manage and also become less prone to breakage which will allow the hair to grow longer. However, like most things in life, there are always exceptions to the rule. Every head of hair is different and what may work for some still may not work for all.
What is high shrinkage?
High shrinkage hair shrinks to a third or less of its actual length when it is wet. Hair with high shrinkage tends to not form clumped curls and, instead, has a tendency to tangle and intertwine with other strands.
If your hair clumps up naturally, daily moisture is not an issue. In fact, it is a good idea to moisturize your hair every day. This will encourage clumping and reduce tangling by using water-based products frequently. Avoiding water based products can cause your hair to frizz and tangle, so water and water based products are your hair’s best friend. However, if your hair feels dry and brittle because water causes it to shrink up tightly, you are in the class who may benefit from not using daily moisture. Avoiding this complete, tight shrinkage is the key to preventing unnecessary tangling and breakage.
Here are some common issues you may face when you have hair with high shrinkage – and how to best get your moisture.
If your hair tangles when you wear it down
If hair is in a free and open style, this will encourage complex tangling that causes several strands to interlock when moisture (water or a product containing water”> is applied and the hair is subsequently manipulated with fingers, a comb or brush into a style. These are entirely preventable but when they do form, can be difficult to undo and need to be cut off which affects hair length goals.
If you have matting when you take your braids out
With braids, for example, several strands within the style will intertwine with one another. This is why some people can detangle hair then braid or twist it up. After leaving the style for a few weeks, the hair requires a lot of detangling during the takedown. If the style is left in place for long, matting is also a possibility.
If you wear stretched styles (and want them to stay stretched”>
If you can moisturize your hair once a week or once every 3 to 4 days, you will be able to keep your hair in a stretched-out style with minimal shrinkage which can be beneficial for curlies who want to grow their hair longer. You do not need to avoid moisture and water completely on high shrinkage hair, but you may benefit greatly from spreading out the sessions.
If you wear protective styles
If your hair is usually in a protective style, you are not manipulating the individual strands on a daily basis. Your hair needs to be moisturized when you are taking down or putting in the style. The purpose of moisture is to help hair be more flexible and this is most important during manipulation.
What should you moisturize with?
Finding a good leave-in conditioner and regimen based on your needs is also key. Some curlies find success using heavy cream moisturizers in conjunction with light oils and light water and glycerine-based mixes, heavy castor oil or a variation of these combinations. It is about experimenting to see what your hair likes the best.
Consider the Maximum Hydration Method
The Maximum Hydration Method is a regimen that was created by Pinke Cube, an active member of Black Hair Media, and blogger MsDeeKay. This regimen contains multiple steps that aims at opening up the cuticle to allow moisture in, and must be done every day for one week (followed by every three days after that”>. It’s particularly helpful if you have low porosity hair. You can learn how to follow the steps properly here.
The LOC Method
Another popular moisturizing technique is the LOC Method, which stands for liquid, oil, cream. This simply refers to the order in which you apply your moisturizer (liquid”>, followed by a sealing oil and then a cream. Some curlies swear by this order, while others find more success applying the cream before oil (which is referred to as LCO”>. No matter which you prefer, the key is to start with your moisturizer and then seal that moisture in.
This article has been updated with new information and resources.Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash
Have you ever gone to the salon and come out with great hair but a bill that was higher than expected? I have, too. In a perfect world, salon employees would be honest about each charge–but sadly, that is just not how it is. Running into this problem is rare if you have already built a strong rapport with your stylist throughout the years. But when going to a new place it is possible and highly likely that hidden fees can be tagged onto the price of your visit.
The friendly shampoo person or stylist tells you that your hair is too dry and needs a moisturizing treatment.
Or that your hair is damaged and it needs a protein treatment. They may say it will just take a couple extra minutes and your will be so much better for it. 99% of the time, these extra “add on treatments” will cost extra dollars. Personally, I find it worth it I will always get an intense deep treatment after my color but I know I will have a $25 charge for it (prices vary based on salons”>. If the treatment does sound like something you would like, just be sure to ask how much it is so you aren’t shocked after it was applied and it’s too late.Should you be held responsible for asking about additional charges while at the salon?
The Allied Beauty Association in Mississauga, Ont., which represents the professional beauty supply industry in hair and nails in Canada, said to a caller inquiring about this situation in very blunt matter, “Well, if you were buying a car, wouldn’t you be the one to ask questions? The ABA (which does not represent hairstylists“> does not have an official policy. But Susan Solomon, its executive director, has said, “I would ask, ‘What is it and how much is it going to cost?’ ” This is simple enough but most of the time when we are at the salon we are relaxing and aren’t aware there can be additional fees.
As clients, we can sometimes feel intimidated asking for what we want.
Lucy Valavanis, co-owner of You Salon & Spa in Richmond Hill, Ont. says, “When a salon offers a treatment, they should tell the client upfront how much it is. “We want our clients to be happy, because we want them to come back.” She advises that if you hear the word “treatment,” though, it signals extra time at the sink. “It’s more than a conditioner,” says Valavanis, who has been a hairstylist for 25 years. “At the restaurant, you get bread for free, but if you order bruschetta, you have to pay.”There are other sneaky charges to be aware of at certain salons.
For example, you may be getting a blow-dry and you have extensions, or your hair is very long, thick and curly and you want it blown out straight. According the salons, this takes twice as long as a regular appointment. But Valavanis says in every case, the stylist should inform the client first. I have been hit hard with unexpected extra fees because of how long and unruly my hair is.
Personally, I find it to be a bit unfair, I cannot help the natural texture of my hair is not easier to work with so I am punished for it!?
There are a few other surprise places to be careful of with extra charges. One is when you’re getting a significant hair color change. You can go for a consultation and be given one fee, but then once you are actually in the seat and going through the process, it may end up being more extensive—and expensive—than what you initially were told. Depending on an individual’s hair pigment, it might take two lightnings or more. To get the effect you want, you may unexpectedly need to add dimension with something like lowlights. Sometimes the colourist cannot anticipate these things. Another factor would be if the colorist needs to use more actual color than expected.
Bottom line: A salon should communicate properly and with courtesy to its clients. If you go to one that doesn’t, find one that does.
Hibiscus is my favorite flower. I love the shape and bright intense pigment of the petals. There are over a hundred species of hibiscus that are native to warm temperate, subtropical and tro
In the Indian traditional system of medicine, Ayurveda, hibiscus, especially white hibiscus and red hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis“>, is considered to have medicinal properties. The roots are used to make various concoctions believed to cure ailments such as cough, hair loss or hair greying. They are also used for multiple hair treatments.
Benefits of Hibiscus for Hair
- prevents hair loss
- prevents premature graying
- lessens frizz
- promotes hair growth
- gives hair a boost of shine and bounce
- helps balance the pH of the scalp
- reduces redness, scalping and itching of the scalp
- works like an astringent to reduce the oiliness of hair
- discourages split ends
The leaves and flowers of the hibiscus are used in treatments to make natural packs, masks, and oil to prevent and control hair problems. It provides an ideal protection against chemical and natural pollutants.
Note for blondes & brunettes:
Be cautious using hibiscus, as it can potentially stain, darken or add red tones to the hair. Your patch test will help determine whether this will be an issue for your hair color.
These 6 DIY at home recipes for treatment, tonics and oils have been proven effective in treating dandruff, preventing hair loss, and promoting hair growth.
Remember to do a patch test first to make sure you do not have an allergy before using Hibiscus.
1. Hibiscus Strengthening Pack
This treatment can help strengthen your weak, dull, brittle, and dry hair:
- 3 ounces of hibiscus petal powder
- 3 tbsp honey
- 3 tbsp yogurt
- 6 tbsp aloe vera gel
- Coconut milk
Mix the listed items to prepare a fine, consistent paste. Apply this pack liberally on your hair, and cover it with a shower cap for 30 minutes. Wash it with lukewarm water. Use it once or twice a week to make it lustrous.
2. Hibiscus Dandruff Treatment
This can help with dandruff and also soothes the itchy and scaly head with a cooling effect.
- 1 cup coconut oil
- 3-5 curry leaves
- 3-5 basil leaves
- 1 hibiscus flower
- 1 gooseberry
Crush the leaves, hibiscus flower and gooseberry and extract the juices. Add the extracted juice to the coconut oil and bring it to a boil. Let the solution cool down. Apply and massage your scalp with it. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.
3. Hibiscus Damage Restoration Tonic
This can be used on its own or also mixed with any other recipe for additional benefits.
- Hibiscus flowers & Hibiscus leaves
- Water
Take hibiscus flowers and leaves in a 1:6 ratio and soak them in water overnight and squeeze the flowers, to prepare cold infusion. Or keep it in the water for 12 hours and then boil it to make hot infusion. Use the strained water to wash, rinse your hair directly. Or simply dab a cotton ball in the prepared solution and use it like a tonic to treat your hair.
4. Hibiscus Hot Oil Treatment
This recipe can help prevent hair fall (shedding”>, improves blood circulation to the scalp and encourages hair growth. It also can make the hair soft, smooth and bouncy, and makes the hair shinier.
- 5-10 hibiscus flowers
- 3-5 hibiscus leaves
- 3 basil leaves
- ½ cup coconut oil or your preferred oil like sesame oil.
Crush the flowers and leaves of hibiscus and boil it with the oil. Once the fumes start coming out of it, add basil leaves. Let the oil cool down. Strain and use it on your scalp. Gently massage and rinse off with lukewarm water.
5. DIY Cleansing Conditioner
- 10 hibiscus flowers
- Water
Blend hibiscus flowers with some water to make a fine paste. Smear this paste on the scalp and leave it for 15 minutes. Cover it with a shower cap. Rinse off with lukewarm water. Use a mild shampoo the next day.
6. Hibiscus Clarifying Shampoo
- 5-10 hibiscus flowers or leaves
- 2 drops of almond or olive oil
- Water enough to make a consistent paste
Blend the flowers or leaves in water. Make a fine paste. Add drops of oil. Use this on your hair. Wash off after 15 minutes with lukewarm water.
Whether you are just starting to embrace your waves, or if you notice that your definition isn’t what it used to be due to damage, the good news is there are things you can do to help get the most out of your hair!
I’m here to offer some suggestions on techniques and products that may help based on my own past experience from reviving my waves after heat and chemical damage.
I am a big believer in following the Curly Girl Method.
The method, which originated as a book by Lorraine Massey, has the two biggest components in this method that myself and a lot of others find to be successful are to avoid products with any sulfates or silicones. Sulfates are harsh detergents that strip the hair of moisture and natural oils which cleansing. There are a ton of more gentle formulas to cleanse your hair with. Silicones may temporarily hide frizz and add shine but they are like a band-aid. The cause a lot of build up and over time can actually dry the hair out. Devacurl and Raw Curls both have specific cleansers and conditioners that are sulfate and silicone free and are designed to help define type 2 waves.
Although my hair personally requires heavier and richer products, so many type 2A and 2B wavies love both of these sets. The longer I go without using sulfates or silicones, the better my curl definition has gotten; I also believe my hair is growing longer thanks to healthy ingredients at my roots and less breakage due to inferior ingredients such as heavy silicones. Some curly girls do find water-soluble silicones to be okay to use, but that is a whole different discussion.
If you notice your waves disappeared and are damaged from too much straightening and heat abuse, there are three things you can do to help fix it:
1. Have patience. Your hair was not damaged overnight, it will not be magically repaired overnight either, unfortunately.
2. Quit using all kinds of heat immediately. Laying off the blow dryers and flat irons for the foreseeable future will make a world of a difference!
3. Make deep conditioners your new best friends. To help add hydration to dry hair which can increase the definition and add strength to repair the damage, one with a good moisture-protein ratio is ideal. My favorites are Briogeo’s Don’t Despair, Repair Deep Conditioning Mask, CURLS Blueberry Bliss Reparative Hair Mask and mixing Devacurl Melt Into Moisture and Deep Sea Repair masks together.
Product application also plays a huge part in how your hair looks!
One thing most curlies do agree on is applying styling products to soaking wet hair after the shower instead of squeezing out excess water first or putting the hair in a towel before applying products. Doing this results in hair that is less frizzy. Now for technique, it varies person to person and you can go by trial and error to see which ways work and do not work for you. Two popular application methods include scrunching the products into your hair which really helps to encourage curl formation and also raking product through the hair and shaking at the bottom (known as Ouidad’s Rake and Shake Method.
For more, check out my recent article on how I got my own hair to become curlier and longer here.
I also recommend checking out NaturallyCurly Co-Founder, Michelle Breyer, and her book, The Curl Revolution, which has a ton of fantastic information for all types of hair including techniques, applications, and even a curl glossary at the end.
Have a wavy or Curly Girl Method question for me?
Ask us below, on Facebook, and subscribe to my personal blog, Diane Mary Beauty
Our texture is most commonly confused and can be a tad misunderstood.
Naturally wavy hair is special. Though our texture patterns may not be as consistent as our curly and coily friends, once you learn to make the most of it, type 2 wavy hair is beautiful and so very unique! Sadly, our texture is most commonly confused and can be a tad misunderstood.
How can you be sure you are in wavy category? Let’s check out some characteristics…
Your hair appears to be curlier in the Summer and straighter in the winter–you can thank the summer humidity for that. Some wavy ladies (and gents!”> may find that in the middle of the cold, dry winter that hair nearly looks straight. Don’t worry, there are solutions below to help.
Your hair lies flat against the scalp with inconsistent “S” shaped curls
Have you ever picked out a clump of a perfectly defined section of your hair and wondered, why can’t my whole head look like this? Welcome to Wavy Land!
While some of your hair may be perfectly defined and frizz-free, other parts may appear droopy, floppy, and loose. Although wavy hair might not bounce the same way as curly and coily hair does, there are ways to really help define each wave.
Your hair pattern changes day after day
If you do not wash your hair daily, and especially if you throw your hair back into a ponytail while working out, you will probably notice, as the days go on, that your pattern feels like it’s getting looser. Super-defined Day one hair may wind up looking like the slightest of waves by Day six. The fun part of this characteristic is wavy hair’s versatility; achieve different looks without doing much at all!
Your hair may get weighed down easily
This depends on your actual wave type. Natural waves are broken down to sub categories of 2a, 2b, and 2c with type 2a hair having the ability to be weighed down with almost no product in it whereas some 2c types–raises my own hand–can be very dry and seem like it is unable to be weighed down even with the use of a richer masque and oil in a regimen.
I believe this to be one of the major challenges for those with wavy hair. Frizz may make the hair look undone and not cared for, even if you did style it and care for it that day. The right techniques and styling products can keep frizz to a minimum.
What can you do about it?
So you know and adore your Wavy Hair. Yay! But perhaps you are now wondering if there is anything you can do to encourage more curl definition? Why, of course there is.
Scrunch, scrunch, scrunch
And then scrunch some more. This technique is a wavie’s bestie when it comes to maximizing curl definition. After applying products to wet hair, cup your hair in sections at the ends then gently squeeze the section as you press upwards. Think of it like the motion of an accordion; repeat around your entire head until no more water is dripping.Plop
Plopping your hair after styling and scrunching wet waves is an excellent way to encourage more curl definition while not disturbing the pattern you created while you finish getting ready in the morning. This step-by-step guide should help you get started on plopping.Enhance
Use a curl enhancing product. There are products out on the market now specifically designed to help encourage more curl definition in waves. Depending on your Wave type, you may or may not need to layer a gel over them. My absolute, holy grail favorite is Devacurl Wave Maker Touchable Texture Whip I haven’t found a product that helps define my waves the way this one has.Shop wisely
Use cleanser and conditioner designed especially for wavy hair. Brands are finally recognizing us wavies as our own unique category. Raw Curls Organics Wavy S’Wavy Cleanser, Conditioner, and Devacurl Delight Low-Poo, One Condition Delight is made just for us! I have used and got excellent results with both of these brands. These specialized cocktails will help you achieve the right amount of hydration without your waves feeling weighed down. These wavy-specific lines also prep your texture with certain curl defining ingredients it needs. Shop our entire wavy collections here.Diffuse
A lot of wavies I talk to love diffusing their hair, as they find that by doing so it makes the most of their definition and gives them the volume they desire. If you do so, use a heat protectant first. That way, the heat from the blow dryer does not damage your hair. A favorite of mine is the Briogeo Rosarco Blow Dry Protecting Crème.For more of Diane Mary, follow her personal blog, Diane Mary Beauty. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter @dianemary126.
Sources: Curly Girl the Handbook Second Edition by Lorraine Massey and the NaturallyCurly Hair Typing page.
Image: @olaplex >
Olaplex, where were you in 2013 when I decided to lighten my hair to almost platinum? I *loved* the color, but I had to go a little darker blonde because of the bad breakage that was happening. But Olaplex is here now, and it’s helping to repair my hair again. Thanks to its miracle ingredients, I have high hopes of going blonder again in the future. NaturallyCurly already has an excellent article explaining what exactly Olaplex is here I simply wanted to share my experience with you.
Miracle Worker
Since Olaplex launched in 2014, it has taken the haircare industry by storm. Amazingly, Olaplex eliminates that reaction. When the hair is colored, the hair bonds break. Olaplex maximizes the strength of hair by reconnecting broken disulphide sulphur bonds in the hair.
Olaplex has been a consistent NaturallyCurly Editors’ Choice winner, and numerous companies have tried to create copycat products.
In this article, Diane Mary shared her first experience with Olaplex when it came on the scene. She continues to be a big fan.
I recently switched to a new salon that offers Olaplex. I have gone three times so far for color services. They are a L’Oreal based salon and color my hair with L’Oreal Inoa, an ammonia-free hair color that is supposedly super gentle on the hair. Bonus: it contains oils to help nourish your hair at the same time and feels gentle. The hair growth I have with this color versus the older lengths of my hair with bleach looks and feels significantly better. Because this hair color is so gentle, my stylist if I needed to use the Olaplex with it the first time. Seeing all these amazing testimonials online, I knew Olaplex and my hair were destined to be BFFs. When I went back for more color, I learned that my stylist learned more about Olaplex. Because I am no longer using bleach in my hair, she said she didn’t need to mix it with the color they use.
My hair just didn’t feel like my hair and I mean that in the best way, possible.
My stylist used Olaplex as a treatment prior to my color service. She applied the No. 1 Bond Multiplier on my hair, letting it sit for 5 minutes. She then applied the No. 2 Perfector right on top and let them sit long enough to penetrate into my hair. After she rinsed it all out, she lightly blow dried my hair follow by color application. Because my hair is so damaged, I always ask for a L’Oreal Absolut Repair Power Dose deep treatment after the color as well; it costs more but it is *good* hair insurance. My stylist says those with hair not quite as damaged as mine wouldn’t need deep treatment with the Olaplex.
Once I received the Olaplex treatment, I noticed such an incredible difference in my hair. My hair just didn’t feel like my hair and I mean that in the best way, possible. It felt softer, smoother, had less frizz, and went above and beyond anything I had ever bought before!
My hair after olaplex
Less Breakage
What I also noticed is my hair seemed to be “shedding’ less for the days following. Because I get my hair blown out when I get my color done (it’s nice for a change in Winter. Warmer months I let it air dry”> and I brush my hair while in the blow out, I see less hairs in my brush than usual so I believe the Olaplex is already leading to less breakage.
Take Home Treatment
Part of the Olaplex system is also the No. 3 Hair Perfector which is a take home treatment to use once a week between salon visits. This is basically a diluted, one step version of what you get in the salon, but still incredibly effective. My stylist didn’t have to tell me twice that this was a good idea for me to buy. The directions on the bottle say to leave it on for a minimum of 10 minutes, but longer is better after shampooing. The two times I used it so far, I left it on an hour. She also said I could sleep with the treatment in my hair but right now it’s too cold for me to do that- but I will come Summer. The No 3 treatment is small, only 3.3oz but it is so concentrated! I only need about 6 quarter size dollops- I apply it in 6 sections (1 per section”> combing it through my hair while massaging it in.
My stylist said not to use the Olaplex more than once a week because it can be overkill, so I am listening. I only wash twice a week anyway. But the more I use the treatment, the better and better my hair is becoming. My ends are less fuzzy, my hair overall is more manageable and I am starting to get some nice wavy curl definition back. My hair seems to be air drying a little quicker too. Also, it my hair just has this shine and brilliance to it that I didn’t think I would ever have.
Achieving Lighter Blonde
I look forward to continue use of the Olaplex treatment so I can grow out the parts of my hair that have severe breakage and my hair could be thick, full and beautiful again. Thanks to Olaplex too, I may try to be able to successfully achieve lighter blonde hair in future with the added insurance of knowing my hair hopefully won’t get severely damaged again. I’ll see, right now my focus is on hair health and regrowth. I wish Olaplex was around when I lightened my hair the first time so I wouldn’t be dealing with the breakage issue.
Have you tried Olaplex for your wavy, curly, or coily hair? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
This article was originally published in 2015 and has been edited to incorporate updates.

Curly girls are often looking for new ways to enhance our curl definition. We see products, treatments and hacks that promise to make our hair curlier, but what do they actually do? Let’s take a look at what perms, curl activators and curl enhancers do to your hair so you can decide which, if any, of these are right for you.
Perms have evolved tremendously since their heyday in the ‘80s. The actual definition of a perm is “a hairstyle produced by setting the hair in waves or curls and then treating it with chemicals so that the style lasts for several months.” Of all the products that I will be talking about, perms are the most long-lasting solution, as they last until the hair grows out and is cut. Unlike perms from the 80s, there are many variations now and you can customize how much curl definition and volume you want with them. Perms today also do not leave hair as frizzy as the 80s versions did. Since perming the hair is a chemical service, it will damage the hair to an extent, so it is important to treat your hair carefully, using deep conditioners and going easy with heat. Perms are also suggested to only do on previously unprocessed and uncolored hair, since using too many chemicals can result in hair breakage. If your hair is already damaged or not its healthiest, then getting a perm would likely exacerbate the issue rather than making your hair look better. It is also highly advised to go to a professional and not attempt perming your hair yourself, as this leads to too much room for error.
Curl Activators
Curl activators help to support and enhance the curl pattern you already have. These are made for people who already have a steady curl pattern to their hair. They may increase your definition to an extent, but realistically if you have 2B hair, it will not magically turn your waves into 3C ringlets. If you have straight hair, then a curl activator will not make your hair curly. Curl activators are typically used for Type 3 Curls. Curl activators usually do not offer any hold and are meant to be layered under a holding product, such as a gel. A common ingredient in all curl activators is glycerin, a humectant which helps attract moisture to the hair. Curl activators can add shine and softness to the hair and also help prevent against breakage. When you wash your hair, if you do not reapply the curl activator, any increased definition you may have seen from the wash day when you applied a curl activating product will be gone.
Check out this list of 10 Recommended Curl Activators.
Curl Definers/Enhancers
A curl definer, or curl enhancer is most commonly used by those with wavier and looser curl definition. Curl definers can increase curl definition and clumping, sometimes have hold and can also help with frizz. Many curl definers contain protein blends to help strengthen the hair and set the curls. Like curl activators, curl definers are very temporary and any increased definition you see will be lost on the next wash day if you do not re-apply the product. Magnesium sulfate, which is not a sulfate like the cleansing ingredient we avoid, is a common ingredient in a lot of curl definers. Magnesium sulfate is actually epsom salt (like we put in baths for sore muscles”> and it is commonly known to enhance curl definition. Depending on what kind of hold you prefer, some can use curl definers alone, while others are better layered under a more firm holding product. Jessicurl’s Rockin’ Ringlets Styling Potion is my personal favorite curl definer but with my high porosity, very frizzy hair, I like to layer it under a firm hold gel, such as Jessicurl’s Spiralicious Gel.
Check out the Top 10 Curl Defining Products.
To sum it up, perms chemically alter the hair and can be used by any texture to increase curl definition for months. Curl activators are used by “Type 3” curlies who are looking for moisture and shine and often do not contain hold and curl definers are used by looser, “Type 2” wavies to help temporarily increase their own curl definition without any chemical damage.
Products like curl activators and curl definers will not change your hair from Type 2 to Type 3, but they can certainly assist your hair hold curl or wave pattern that you do have and prevent it from separating into undefined frizz. What you decide to use depends on whether you want to use chemicals on your hair or not, and your hair type.
Not sure what your hair type is? Take our quiz!
The extraordinary curly girl Lorraine Massey once said that “frizz is just a curl waiting to happen.” While I certainly agree, with summer in full effect and high humidity, some of us may need a bit of help to turn our frizz into the curls and waves we desire. Here are some awesome options to help fight frizz when the moisture in the air is not on our side.

1. Raw Curls Anti-Frizz Spray
This has been a holy grail of mine for years. I use this on wet hair after my leave-in and before gel, or as a refresher spray. This lightweight spray is organic, silicone free, and paraben free. It’s full of frizz-eliminating oils and extracts, seaweed microcapsules, and a patented Kerabead keratin technology.
2. Curly Hair Solutions Curl Keeper Original
This award-winning favorite not only tames frizz, but also adds a bit extra shine when applied on wet hair. I like to apply this super runny serum the same way I do the Raw Curls spray, after leave-in but before gel. For my high porosity, super frizzy hair, I find that more is more with this stuff in crazy high humidity.
3. Rahua Beauty Hydration Shampoo and Conditioner
This recently released duo was love at first use for my frizzy, thirsty hair. Developed with ingredients sourced from the Amazon and nothing toxic or unhealthy for our hair (sulfates, silicones, parabens, etc”>, the exclusive formula penetrates the strands to smooth hair cuticles, prevent frizz, and impart generous shine. Bonus, it smells like a tropical mango and passion fruit smoothie you’ll wish you could drink!

4. Jessicurl Spiralicious Gel
My hair’s best friend. If you like a firm hold gel that will leave your hair frizz free without stiffness or crunch, this one is IT! This gel helps my hair last for days, even in humidity or through intense workouts. It dries with a cast that scrunches out effortlessly and reveals healthy, bouncy curls underneath. For even more frizz control and curl definition, layer Jessicurl’s Rockin’ Ringlets potion underneath. And for those with sensitive noses, all Jessicurl products have unscented options.
5. Briogeo Rosarco Blow Dry Perfection & Heat Protectant Crème
Though this crème is designed for use with a blow dryer, using a little bit will help smooth your hair even if you air dry. Thanks to rose hip, argan, and coconut oils, the crème is able to banish frizz. It also has heat protection to help shield your hair from the harsh sun’s rays, preventing dryness and breakage.
6. Maui Moisture Smooth and Repair Vanilla Bean Shampoo and Conditioner
These products, made of rich vanilla bean, creamy cocoa butter and lush kukui nut oil, are designed to defrizz, mend, and restore unruly hair. Additionally, they are quite affordable and smell like dessert!

7. Curlsmith Curl Quenching Conditioning Wash
A little goes a long way with this co-wash. Not only will it minimize frizz, it quenches even the thirstiest of curls (like my own”> so that you can skip additional conditioner. Use this product to detangle, add shine, and leave hair feeling clean and bouncy.
8. Shea Moisture Super Fruit Complex 10 in 1 Renewal Frizz Taming Smoothie
This crème is full of antioxidants along with Biotin, Marula Oil and Shea Butter. Aside from calming frizz, it also aids with elasticity and moisture. For my own hair, I choose to layer it with a gel to give my styles a little more hold.
9. Original Moxie Hold Up Defining Serum
I’ve been a fan of this serum for years now. The silicone-free styler is full of botanicals such as quinoa protein that get the job done with just a little bit of product. When I use it, I notice minimal frizz, less unwanted “pouf”, additional shine, and better defined waves.
These are some of my favorite frizz-fighting products for humidity. Remember that every single head of hair is different and to find your own favorites, it is truly about trial and error. So do some experimenting yourself!
What are some of your summer favorites? Comment below!